ZITAT(ebarwick @ 2012-06-12, 16:58) Die D700 z. B. hat einen sehr großen, aber vor allem absolut brillanten Sucher, der hinter dem sehr guten A 900 Sucher in keiner Weise zurücksteht.[/quote]
Sorry, Erhard, aber in diesem Punkt muß ich Dir zumindest teilweise widersprechen. Der Sucher der Nikon D700 ist wirklich gut, aber im direkten Vergleich zum Sucher der Minolta Dynax 9 merkt man doch den Unterschied zugunsten der Minolta. Und der Sucher der DSLR-A900 ist im direkten Vergleich zur Dynax 9 nochmal sichtbar besser. Den Sucher der D800 oder D800E kenne ich nicht aus eigener Anschauung, insofern kann ich dazu nichts sagen.
Die folgende Übersicht mit den groben Eckdaten (soweit bekannt) bestätigt das auch (bei den Nikon-Gehäusen habe ich keine Angaben gefunden, ob der Augenabstand mit oder ohne montierte Augenmuschel gilt):
KameramodellFormatfaktorSucherabdeckungSuchervergrößerungAugenabstand (ohne Augenmuschel)Augenabstand (mit Augenmuschel)eingebauter Dioptrienausgleich (ohne Zusatzlinsen)Nikon D7001,0x95%0,72x (*)18,0mm-3,0 bis +1,0Nikon D800 / D800E1,0x100%0,70x17,0mm-3,0 bis +1,0Minolta Dynax 91,0x100%0,73x (*)22,1mm18,3mm-3,0 bis +1,0Sony Alpha DSLR-A8501,0x98%0,74x (*)20,0mm-3,0 bis +1,0Sony Alpha DSLR-A9001,0x100%0,74x (*)20,0mm-3,0 bis +1,0
(*) mit 1,4/50mm-Objektiv bei Entfernungseinstellung Unendlich und Suchereinstellung -1,0 Dioptrien
Technische Eckdaten sind natürlich nicht alles, aber zu Helligkeit, Brillanz, Verzeichnungsfreiheit, Vergütung usw. findet man wenig konkrete Meßwerte.
ZITATAbout our determination towards realising the highest performance viewfinder and how it was achieved: In the development of the Alpha 900 viewfinder our target was to achieve the best performance optical viewfinder. Our goal was to have the best performance viewfinder - to exceed the Dynax 9 which is considered to be the best viewfinder within over 20 years history of the Alpha mount SLR camera system - which started from Minolta 7000, the world's first autofocus SLR.
We aimed for a viewfinder which exceeds all of the - professional - others currently in the market. To create the best performance viewfinder we realise these three points.
First - how to make framing accuracy. Framing performance is the most important function of a viewfinder. By adding an adjustment mechanism in the finder frame and adjusting the comparative position with image sensor in every single unit at the manufacturing line in the factory, precise 100 percent coverage was enabled.
Secondly - top class wide view. By designing an optimal shaped pentaprism from huge optical engineering data accumulation, and by using a high-power condenser lens (which uses high index glass), we succeeded to enlarge the magnification ratio and the view angle. By this we achieved top class wide viewing angle, and that's including full-frame professional models.
The third point to achieve the best performance viewfinder is highest optical performance. By utilising a high power condenser lens, it firstly eliminates distortion and minimises aberration which affects sharpness in eyepiece lens optics. The distortion caused here is corrected perfectly with the high-powered condenser lens, thus achieving best optical performance.
Note: the condensor lens is sited immediately above the focus screen, between the screen and the prism. This was shown on another presentation slide.
The distortion is reduced to less than 20% of Dynax 9, which is virtually zero level. Also for comatic aberration it is reduced to half from Dynax 9 which already had very low level. This means we have achieved a viewfinder with no distortion in the entire field. Even for optical brightness this tests better in comparison with Alpha 700, it shows with AR (anti-reflection) coating on every optical surface beyond viewfinder screen. It achieves extraordinary brightness compared with other top end models in the market.
Alpha 900's viewfinder with perfect framing capability, wide view, no distortion in the entire field and with extraordinarily bright optical performance - we are confident that amongst our own and other brand model ranges this is the ultimate viewfinder.[/quote]
Viele Grüße,