Liebe Mitglieder, dear friends,
The response in the couple of days since the advent of this petition is overwhelming... Right now, I'm literally flooded with mails from people expressing their feelings and willing to participate in this petiton in regard to the continuation/renewal of the SSM/ADI upgrade for the Minolta Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9/9Ti.
Thanks to all for your encouragement, efforts, and consideration in the project, you are great! :-)
The petition is still in its early stages and only a small fraction of the people, who may actually be interested in the upgrade, may have learnt about it already (and with the majority of photographers not participating in web forums, anyway), but let's try to sort out, what we have collected so far. The names are not given in any particular order. I hope, I have not forgotten someone - if so, please contact me via PM.
Dyxum -- home of the Minolta / Alpha-mount dSLR photographer
Site: [en]
Members (from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, the UK, the USA, and other places) still wishing to upgrade their camera bodies:
Chris Reinhardt (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum 9 Janis Spencer (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum 9Sham Fu Kuen Terry (address omitted): 2x Minolta Alpha 9Andijs Kaltigins (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Alison Wilson (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Richard Stewart (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum 9Nik Milosevic (address omitted): 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Stephen Reid (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Andreas Andersson (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Magnus Wedberg: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Leo Roos: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Perry Nacionales: 1x Minolta Maxxum/Dynax 9Thomas Gallhauser (address omitted): 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Morten Vaksdal: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Vladimir Kuzmich: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Philip Quanjer: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Richard Nelson: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Paul Krallman (address omitted): 1x Minolta Maxxum/Dynax 9Mateusz Gazdzcki: 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum 9Richard A. Olson: 1x Minolta Maxxum 9 (probably)José Batista (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Darrin Behm: 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Kilian Pawel : 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Harry John: 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Dieter Uckelmann (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9AJ Gressette (address omitted): 2x Minolta Dynax 9, 1x Minolta Maxxum 9TiAndy Johnson: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Erol Uner (address omitted): 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Mark van Bergh: 1x Minolta Maxxum 9David Defoort (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Nir Domany: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ralph Javins (address omitted): 1x Minolta Maxxum 9Sergey "DonSergio": 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum 94 more members: 4x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9
Members (from Alaska, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Hong Kong, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, the UK, the USA and other places), who support this petition (some have already upgraded their Minolta Dynax 9 bodies, some just support it ideally):
Mladen SeverVitor FonsecaJed SmithMichel van Aggelen (address omitted)Nikolaï SmirnovRobert Suits Jr.Adam BramleyAJ FronceJeff PittmanChristopher Borcsok (address omitted)Willem JoostenKelly Dazet (address omitted)Mark KubisPaulo FesselBob JanesPun Kwong Chee (address omitted)Dan Zitelli (address omitted)Jakub Badelek
Minolta-Forum (MiFo/SoFo) - Forum für Minolta-, Konica-, Konica Minolta- und Sony-Fotografie
Sites:,,,,, [de]
Threads:, and many more in the Dynax 9 subforum
Members (from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland) still wishing to upgrade their camera bodies:
Rolf Voss (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Matthias Paul (address omitted): 1-3x Minolta Dynax 9, 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ti SSM (damaged by the service during the upgrade and still pending for repair)Reinhard Pössinger (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Klaus Gasper (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Mark Lüthke (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Rolf Pöter (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ingo Bohn (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ralph Swinka (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Volker Bruckhaus (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Gerhard Scheer (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Gregor Stark (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Manfred Briese (address omitted): 1-2x Minolta Dynax 9Uwe Petersen (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Eugen Mertins (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9TiPeter Lechtenbörger (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Arne Krüger (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Horst Essenburger (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Jan Schliebitz (address omitted): 2x Minolta Dynax 9Frank Heukelbach (address omitted): 2x Minolta Dynax 9Martin Maier (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Rolf Peukert (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9TiAlfred Schmitt (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Roland Hank (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Thomas Kramp (address omitted): 1-2x Minolta Dynax 9Zhou ji Chen: 1x Minolta Dynax 9Jürgen Runge (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Matthias Paukert: 2x Minolta Dynax 9Armin Seiler (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9"Lightspeed": 1x Minolta Dynax 9"MinoltafanMartin": 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ti, 1x Minolta Dynax 9"StefanB": 1x Minolta Dynax 9
Members (from Austria, Germany, and Switzerland), who support this petition (some have already upgraded their Minolta Dynax 9 bodies, some just support it ideally):
Stephan KöllikerMatthias UngerGeorg SteinkeCornelia Voss (address omitted)Johannes "Giovanni"Jakob Progsch
Forum Alpha DxD - Forum Sony Alpha et Minolta DxD
Site: [fr]
Members (from Belgium, France, and Switzerland) still wishing to upgrade their camera bodies:
Patrick Lombaert (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9, 1x Minolta Dynax 9TiBruno Santini (address omitted): 4x Minolta Dynax 9Patrick Moll (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9TiEmmanuel Rousseau (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Jean Ruff (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Jean-Marc Krystlik (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Nathanaël Wurth (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Cédric Laguerre (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Franck Belliard (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Glenn Guyton (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Philippe Mercier (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9TiMathieu Bauwens (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ricardo Martins (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Claude Coeudevez (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Alexandre Goy (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Yannick Kerloch (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9
SonyUserforum (Sufo) - Forum für die Fotosysteme von Sony und Konica Minolta
Site: [de]
dpreview -- Digital Photography Review -- Sony SLR and Konica Minolta SLR forums
Site: [en]
Members (from various countries), who support this petition (some have already upgraded their Minolta Dynax 9 bodies, some just support it ideally):
Barry Fitzgerald"psn""cyainparadise"
Yahoo! Groups Minolta -- Minolta Users discussion group
Site: [en]
HKMUG -- Hong Kong Minolta User Group
Site: [cn]
Minolta Club - Клуб любителей фототехники Sony, Konica Minolta, Minolta
Sites:, [ru]
Members (from Russia), still wishing to upgrade their camera bodies:
Igor Dopertchouque: 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9Yaroslav Fedorov: 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9Mikhail Goryachev: 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9Evgeniy "Evgeniy": 1x Minolta Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9
Minolta Sony Club (MSC) - Il punto di riferimento italiano per la fotografia analogico-digitale di case Sony e Minolta
Site: [it]
Members (from Italy) still wishing to upgrade their camera bodies:
Walter Oldoni (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Claudio Bisini (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9Ermanno Crotto (address omitted): 1x Minolta Dynax 9
Photoclub Alpha - For Minolta, Konica Minolta and Sony Alpha owners
Site: [en]
Club Alpha Spain / Minolta Spain (AS/MS)
Site: [sp]
Members (from Spain and Chile?) supporting this petition:
Tomás Martínez Ortega (address omitted)"mikel""cgleroy""minoltero"
Klub Konica Minolta (KKM) - Forum uzytkowników systemów Minolta KonicaMinolta SonyAlfa
Site: [pl]
Mundo fotografico
AlphaMountWorld - Sony DSLR Alpha Mount Digital Photography
Site: [en]
Members, who support this petition:
Carl Garrard
Freies Foto Forum (FFF)
Site: [de]
DigiForum - O fórum da fotografia digital - Clube Alpha & Dynax (Sony & Minolta)
ClubSNAP Photography Community
Digital Photographer Philippines - The digital photography magazine for enthusiasts and pros
Runtime Contract, Bremen, Germany
Before the start of this petition, about 20 Minolta Dynax 9 camera bodies of faithful Minolta/Sony photographers were still waiting in Bremen for Runtime to perform the SSM/ADI upgrade, some of them waiting for more than 3 months! Unfortunately, Runtime could not proceed due to the lack of parts from Sony/Konica Minolta.
If you wish to participate in this petition, feel free to voice your opinion here in this thread at Minolta-Forum (you can do so in English or any other language). However, realizing that it may be difficult to navigate a forum in a foreign language and that some of you may not feel a need to open an account with us, you can, of course, alternatively post at Dyxum. We will try to keep track of this and update the list of supporters above as well as the list for Sony. Please specify, if you happen to be a Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9/9Ti user yourself and still want to upgrade your own camera bodies, or if you just support this project for some idealistic reasons. This may help Sony to get an estimate of how many upgrades are still needed worldwide. Further, it would be great, if you could disclose your real name and contact data to us (and Sony), but, please, don't disclose your full address in public! Instead, just send me ("matthiaspaul" here or at Dyxum), Rolf ("Conny1" here, at Dyxum and at SonyUserforum), Patrick ("Slipsale" at Alpha DxD), Walter ("Walti" at MSC) or Nikolaï ("diciple" at Minolta Club) a message via forum PM, so that we can add this info to the list for Sony. We will not publish your address in public, just as we will not publish your full name and account name at the same time, nor will we use any of your contact data for other purposes but this petition, of course. If you want to stay anonymous, this is fine with us as well, but assuming, that Sony will at least put our petition under their kind consideration and evaluate, what they can do about it, and further given, that Sony may have to make some financial decisions based on the survey, anonymous participants may not put as much weight into it, as someone firmly stating s/he actually wants the upgrade and is prepared to pay a reasonable price for it (to give you a housenumber, Runtime, the German service facility performing the upgrade up until recently, did charge 150 EUR plus shipping & handling plus VAT).
If you would like to help spread the info about this project, point users in your local Minolta/Konica Minolta/Sony communities or photo clubs to this forum announcement and this thread at Minolta-Forum and/or this announcement at Dyxum and the corresponding discussion thread at Dyxum. Please don't forget to tell us about similar threads in your local forums, so we can update the "master list" as well. Maybe, you or some trusted moderators in these other communities can help collect the signees' names in order to forward them to us?
We will bring this petition to the attention of our contacts at the German and Swiss regional and European Sony headquarters (Germany and Switzerland are both strong markets for Sony Alpha equipment) and ask them to report to the Sony Alpha global headquarters at AMC Division, Digital Imaging Business Group, Sony in Japan (which we will try to contact as well, but don't have already established personal relationships with them so far), to please clear up the actual situation and to kindly find a satisfactory solution for all A-mount photographers and loyal long-term customers, who, in their creative endeavours, depend on silver-halide film based photography for one reason or the other and therefore continue to use the Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9/9Ti professional model (some insist on doing so even in addition to their utilization of new Sony Alpha DSLRs such as the great DSLR-A900 flagship model) and who have a strong and lasting desire to explore and take full advantage of the current and future high-grade Minolta, Sony, and Zeiss A-mount SSM lenses, they already own or were planning to obtain. Let's make it very clear, any successfully SSM/ADI converted Dynax/Maxxum/Alpha 9/9Ti body will not only help its owner, but will reinforce A-mount brand loyality and pay back for Sony in multiple ways for sure.
Thanks alot.
EDIT: See also: