RE: Erdbeben Japan Kamerahersteller

#31 von u. kulick , 18.03.2011 10:17

QUOTE (ingobohn @ 2011-03-18, 7:47) QUOTE (u. kulick @ 2011-03-17, 20:14) Außerdem zeigt das, dass die japanische Firma, der es an den Kragen geht durch diese Krise[...][/quote]
Ich befürchte, daß genau das nicht passieren wird. Vertuschen, tricksen, täuschen, verzögern, behindern, ... Nirgendwo sonst ist die Atomindustrie mit der Regierung so eng verzahnt bzw. die Regierung regelrecht von der Atomindustrie abhängig wie in Japan. Auch wie sonst kaum irgendwo sind die Menschen so unkritisch gegenüber der Atomindustrie wie in Japan - trotz Hiroshima oder Nagasaki. Auch das wird eine endgültige Aufklärung und ein endgültiges "zur Rechenschaft ziehen" nicht gerade erleichtern.
Man sieht auch hier wiederum, daß Regierungen/Gesellschaften, die die Atomindustrie fördern und regelrecht "durchdrücken" antidemokratische oder fast gar totalitäre Tendenzen haben - ja fast haben müssen.

Der Markt wird evtl Toshiba doch zur Rechenschaft ziehen, weil seine Reaktoren und sonstigen Geräte jetzt dem Verdacht der Katastrophen-Anfälligkeit ausgesetzt sind. Und für Japan bedeutet die Katastrophe einen Gesichtsverlust, denn das japanische System, leider auch hierzulande gerne kopiert, wird von einschlägigen konservativen Medien hierzulande jetzt entblößt, siehe . Das sind durchaus peinliche Folgen für das Land Japan. Diese Vernetzung von Wirtschaft und Politik, haben wir sie nicht auch, wie Stuttgart 21 beweist? Nicht dass wir K21 anstattdessen bräuchten, nein garkein Prestigeprojekt, sondern nur eine Verbesserung des bestehenden Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhofs und eine der Rheintalstrecke. Aber die Scheinschlichtung hat stattdessen das Prestigeprojekt noch teurer gemacht und es gegen ein anderes ausgespielt - der ursprüngliche Bürgerprotest ging eigentlich gegen die hohen Kosten von S21! Schon unter Gerhard Schröder haben korrupte VW-Manager die Politik bestimmt, und der Siemens-Korruptionsskandal war der größte der Republik. Kohl's von dubiosen Waffenhändlern eingenommenen Spenden waren vergleichsweise wirklich nur ein "bisschen Bimbes", aber wegen Verbindung zum Waffenhandel womöglich mit tödlichen Folgen irgendwo anders auf der Welt.

Unter Merkel hat die Atomindustrie wieder einen Fuß in die Tür bekommen. Die zuzuschlagen bereitet auch manchem Energiekonzern-Manager peinliche Schmerzen, aber der Türspalt bleibt womöglich offen, da sind die Konzerne knallhart schmerzresistent. Im Windschatten davon können weitere Lobbies bei den dafür besonders anfälligen Ministern die Tür einrennen, wie bei Gesundheits- und Wirtschaftsminister, deren Partei schon als Lobbypartei verschrien ist, bis hin zum für seine Sport-Event-Firma lobbyierenden Lebenspartner des Parteichefs. In Japan zeigt sich, was passiert, wenn es als einzige Alternative zu den Liberaldemokraten nur einen Ableger davon gibt, der jetzt regiert. Wir tun also gut daran, unsere Liberalen lieber klein und fein zu halten.

Vernetzung und Beziehungen, heutzutage doch lebensnotwendig? "Wo viel Licht ist, ist auch starker Schatten" (J.W. von Goethe).

u. kulick  
u. kulick
Beiträge: 3.275
Registriert am: 30.05.2005

RE: Erdbeben Japan Kamerahersteller

#32 von matthiaspaul , 21.03.2011 02:24

ZITAT(Frank @ 2011-03-14, 15:43) Sony teilt auf Facebook mit, dass die Sony Group mehr als 2,5 Mio. Euro für Hilfs- und Wiederaufbau-Maßnahmen spenden wird. Zusätzlich werden weltweit Beiträge von Sony Mitarbeitern in einem Katastrophen-Hilfsfond gesammelt und von Sony aufgestockt. Außerdem wird Sony 30.000 Radios und weitere Geräte spenden, um die Rettungsmaßnahmen zu unterstützen.[/quote]
Sony hat dazu auch eine Presseerklärung herausgegeben, die ich aus Archivierungsgründen mal hier reinziehe:
ZITATMarch 14, 2011

Sony Group Operations Affected by Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Related Power Outages

(Tokyo, March 14, 2011) - Operations at several Sony Corporation and Sony Group sites and facilities have been affected by the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami, and Sony is monitoring the status of each of these sites on an on-going basis, while also considering the most effective recovery measures. Sony also has responded to reports of widespread power outages by voluntarily suspending operations at several sites. No significant injuries have been reported to employees working at any of these sites when the earthquake or tsunami occurred.

The company is currently evaluating the full impact of the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages on Sony's businesses and consolidated financial results.

As of 11:00 am, March 14 (JST), manufacturing operations have been suspended at the following affected production sites:

 ・Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation,
  ・Tagajyo Plant (Miyagi Prefecture) <Magnetic Tapes, Blu-ray Discs etc.>
  ・Tome Plant, Nakada/Toyosato Sites (Miyagi Prefecture) < Optical devices, IC cards etc.>
 ・Sony Shiroishi Semiconductor Inc. (Miyagi Prefecture) <Semiconductor Lasers etc.>
 ・Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Koriyama Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) <Lithium Ion Secondary Batteries etc.>
 ・Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Motomiya Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) <Lithium Ion Secondary Batteries etc.>
 ・Sony Manufacturing Systems Corporation, Kuki Plant (Saitama Prefecture) <Surface mounting equipment etc.>
 ・Sony DADC Japan Inc., Ibaraki Facility (Ibaraki Prefecture) <CDs, DVDs etc.>

In addition to these manufacturing sites, Sony Corporation Sendai Technology Center (Tagajyo, Miyagi) has ceased operation due to earthquake damage. While certain production sites in Japan other than those listed above have been moderately affected, there has been no report of employee injury or facility damage, and operations continue. Possible damage at other Sony Group companies in Japan is currently being reviewed. Additionally, Sony Chemical & Information Devices Corporation, Kanuma Plant (Tochigi Prefecture), Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Tochigi Plant (Tochigi Prefecture) and Sony Corporation Atsugi Technology Center (Atsugi, Kanagawa) temporarily suspended operations on a voluntary basis, to assist with the alleviation of widespread power outages.[/quote]
ZITATMarch 13, 2011

Sony Support for Japan Earthquake Relief Efforts

(Tokyo, March 13, 2011) - Sony Corporation today announced that, following the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck the northern region of Japan on March 11, Sony and its group companies will donate 300 million Japanese yen to help relief and recovery efforts in communities affected. Additionally, a Desaster relief fund will collect donations across the Sony Group from employees worldwide, and their contributions will be matched by the company through a matching gifts program. The company will also donate 30,000 Sony radios to assist the relief of earthquake victims, while the Sony Group will prepare further product donations going forward, taking into account the local needs.

The Tohoku region is historically important for Sony, with a high concentration of manufacturing sites, and many employees and their families have also been affected by these devastating events.

"In times like these, we are reminded of how important and fragile we are and of the positive impact we can have - both as individuals and, collectively, as a Company - to assist those in need," said Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO and President, Sony Corporation."We will continue to make the utmost effort to help the swift recovery of the affected communities in the region."[/quote]

"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

Beiträge: 14.595
Registriert am: 08.06.2004

RE: Erdbeben Japan Kamerahersteller

#33 von matthiaspaul , 22.03.2011 17:25
ZITATStatus of Sony Group Manufacturing Operations in Japan Affected by Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and Related Power Outages
(Tokyo, March 22, 2011) - Sony Corporation ("Sony" or the "Company" today provided an update on the status of Sony Group manufacturing operations in Japan affected by the March 11 Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake, tsunami, and related power outages, as of 10 a.m., March 22, 2011 (JST).

First, Sony has confirmed the safety of all of its and its group companies' employees in the region affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Second, as set forth more fully below, the Company has resumed manufacturing operations at several of the manufacturing sites where manufacturing operations had been suspended as a result of damage caused by the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages. Recovery plans to resume operations at most of the remaining manufacturing sites damaged by the earthquake and tsunami have already begun to be implemented. At the same time, manufacturing operations at certain manufacturing sites that sustained no direct damage are now being affected by planned power outages as well as shortages of raw materials and components, causing those sites to temporarily suspend a part of their operations. The current situation of each manufacturing site of Sony Group in Japan is set forth below.

The Company is continuing to evaluate the full impact of the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages on Sony's businesses and consolidated financial results.

(Inside of < > are major production items of each site.)

[ Resumed or Partially Resumed Manufacturing Operations after Suspension due to the Earthquake, Tsunami and Related Power Outages ]

* Sony Manufacturing Systems Corporation, Kuki Plant (Saitama Prefecture) <Surface mounting equipments, etc.> - Resumed on March 15, 2011.
* Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation, Kanuma Plant (Tochigi Prefecture)
<Bonding Materials, Optics Materials, etc.> - Partially Resumed on March 15, 2011.
* Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Tochigi Plant (Tochigi Prefecture) <Lithium ion secondary batteries, etc.> - Partially Resumed on March 22, 2011.

[ Manufacturing Operations Suspended due to the Earthquake, Tsunami and Related Power Outages ]

While manufacturing operations at the following manufacturing sites remain suspended, the Company has begun inspection, restoration and repair of affected buildings and manufacturing equipment:

* Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation
- Tagajyo Plant (Miyagi Prefecture) <Magnetic tapes, Blu-ray discs, etc.>
- Tome Plant, Nakada/Toyosato Sites (Miyagi Prefecture) <Optical devices, IC cards, etc.>
* Sony Shiroishi Semiconductor Inc. (Miyagi Prefecture) <Semiconductor lasers.>
* Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Koriyama Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) <Lithium ion secondary batteries, etc.>
* Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Motomiya Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) <Lithium ion secondary batteries, etc.>
* Sony DADC Japan Inc., Ibaraki Facility (Ibaraki Prefecture) <CDs, DVDs, etc.>

[ Manufacturing Operations Temporarily Suspended primarily due to planned power outage, now Resuming Intermittently ]

The Company is intermittently resuming manufacturing operations at the following site on March 22, 2011, which had no direct damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami but had suspended operations temporarily primarily due to planned power outages. However, it may have to suspend manufacturing operations temporarily again, depending on the planned power outage situation.

* Sony EMCS Corporation
- Kisarazu Technology Center (Chiba Prefecture) <Blu-ray disc recorder, home audio, etc.>

[ Manufacturing Operations Scheduled to be Temporarily Suspended Depending on Availability of Raw Materials and Components ]

While the following manufacturing sites were not directly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami, the Company plans to temporarily suspend certain parts of its manufacturing operations at these sites on and after March 22 through March 31, 2011, depending on the availability of necessary raw materials and components. The Company intends to resume manufacturing operations at each of those sites as it secures raw materials and components.

* Sony EMCS Corporation
- Tokai Technology Center, Kosai Site (Shizuoka Prefecture) <Broadcast and professional equipment>
- Tokai Technology Center, Kohda Site (Aichi Prefecture) <Camcorders, digital still cameras, etc.>
- Tokai Technology Center, Minokamo Site (Gifu Prefecture) <Lens for digital single-lens reflex cameras, cell phones, etc.>
- Tokai Technology Center, Inazawa Site (Aichi Prefecture) <LCD TVs, etc.>
* Sony/Taiyo Corporation (Oita Prefecture) <Microphones, headphones, etc.>

At this time, Sony will endeavor to maintain supplies of the listed products in the market through reliance on existing inventory, to the extent available. While Sony is making every effort to resume normal operations at these sites, in the event shortages of necessary raw materials and components at these sites will continue, the Company is considering alternatives, including possibly temporarily shifting certain manufacturing operations overseas.

[ Manufacturing Operations at Other Sites ]

All manufacturing sites in Japan other than those described above are currently maintaining normal operations and plan to continue such operations, although the Company will continue to monitor the availability of raw materials and components for their operations.[/quote]
ZITATSony suspends some production at more Japan plants

TOKYO - Sony Corp. said Tuesday it is suspending some production at plants in Japan that make popular consumer electronics like digital cameras and televisions due to shortages of components and raw materials following the March 11 earthquake.

Operations at plants in Shizuoka, Aichi, Gifu and Oita were suspended through to the end of March. Those factories are involved in the production of broadcast equipment, camcorders, digital cameras, lenses for digital single-lens reflex cameras, cell phones, LCD TVs, microphones and headphones.

"The company intends to resume manufacturing operations at each of those sites as it secures raw materials and components," it said in a statement on its website.

Sony, a world leader in consumer electronics and entertainment, also said it was resuming operations at some plants where production had ground to a halt after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami which devastated Japan's northeast.

A plant in Tochigi prefecture that manufactures high-power lithium ion secondary batteries partially resumed operations Tuesday. On March 15, four days after the quake, a separate factory in Tochigi resumed partial operations. A plant in Saitama, north of Tokyo, resumed full production on the same day, the company said.

Sony said it was intermittently resuming operations Tuesday at a plant in Chiba prefecture that manufactures Blu-ray disc recorders and home audio systems, depending on the availability of power. The plant sustained no direct damage from the quake but had suspended operations due to power outages.

Inspections and repairs were under way but operations were still suspended at plants in prefectures hardest-hit by the earthquake: Miyagi, which suffered the vast majority of deaths; and Fukushima, where a nuclear complex began leaking radiation after it was severely damaged.

The Miyagi plants produce magnetic tapes, Blu-ray discs, optical devices, IC cards, and semiconductor lasers. Plants in Fukushima produce lithium ion secondary batteries. A plant in quake-affected Ibaraki prefecture that makes CDs and DVDs was also not operating but was undergoing repair.

All other manufacturing sites in Japan are "currently maintaining normal operations and plan to continue such operations," Sony said. But interruptions could occur depending on the availability of raw materials, components and power.

The company, which makes the Vaio personal computer and PlayStation 3 video game console, said none of its employees were killed in the magnitude quake — the worst in Japan's history — and the enormous tsunami that followed.

The vast array of products made by Tokyo-based Sony — like its PlayStation 3 game console — have made the company famous worldwide with consumers. The iconic company became a household name with its Walkman portable music players in the 1980s, which transformed the electronics industry.

All told, police estimate around 18,400 people died from the quake and tsunami. More than 15,000 deaths are likely in Miyagi, the prefecture that took the full impact of the wave.[/quote]

"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

Beiträge: 14.595
Registriert am: 08.06.2004

RE: Erdbeben Japan Kamerahersteller

#34 von u. kulick , 22.03.2011 20:40

Hier jetzt richtig Off-Topic: Aus Katastrophen kann man lernen: (NYT)

d.h. neue nach Tschernobyl gebaute russische Kernkraftwerke haben zusätzlich einen "core catcher", eine Auffangvorrichtung füt durchgeschmolzene Reaktorkerne. Ob's das bringt?

Anderswo ist man nicht so auf "shit happens"-Konstruktionen aus und meint den Stein der Weisen gefunden zu haben, den immanent sicheren Reaktor: (FAZ)

Das hat die FAZ nicht unter Feuilleton veröffentlicht, d.h. die FAZ ist weiterhin für Kernenergie, kritische Artikel zum Thema hat sie wie immer ins Feuilleton "abgeschoben"

Die Berichte von Sony stimmen da hoffnungsvoller, dass man doch versucht, wann immer es geht eine katastrophenbedingt still liegende Produktion wieder anzufahren. Auch wenn die sicheren Dauerarbeitsplätze in der jap. Industrie nur noch für eine Minderheit bestehen, diese Minderheit soll nicht auch noch verunsichert werden und ihre Loyalität zum Unternehmen ausleben können, letztlich auch zu unseren Gunsten, wenn dadurch eine Palette mehr voll unserer Wunschprodukte uns letztlich auch erreicht. Das Bild von sich, sich weitestgehend selber helfen zu können, das möchten sie schließlich aufrecht erhalten, indem ihre wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen, d.h. ihre Produktion erhalten und in Betrieb bleiben lassen.

u. kulick  
u. kulick
Beiträge: 3.275
Registriert am: 30.05.2005


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