RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#226 von roseblood11 , 30.01.2014 10:11

Wow, die ist ja auch innen sexy! Ein klarer und solider Aufbau, zudem sehr viel leichter zu reparieren als eine gängige DSLR.
Und das sollte weiter untersucht werden:

ZITATThe sensor assembly is a nice, self-contained unit. One thing that was immediately apparent is that the cover glass on the sensor is held onto the assembly with three strong clips. (...)
It does seem that — in theory, at least — replacing a scratched cover glass might be done without a complete sensor assembly replacement. Not to mention that there has been some discussion regarding removing or replacing the cover glass, possibly improving performance with adapted lenses in the process. I can’t say for certain, but it appears this should be a simple matter. But the clips didn’t pop off easily and we’d already pushed our luck with this camera enough, so we decided not to force the issue.[/quote]

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Registriert am: 15.08.2010

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#227 von ddd , 30.01.2014 10:32

moin, ZITAT(roseblood11 @ 2014-01-30, 10:11) Und das sollte weiter untersucht werden:
ZITATIt does seem that — in theory, at least — replacing a scratched cover glass might be done without a complete sensor assembly replacement.[/quote][/quote]
das geht bei allen Alpha-Kameras, egal ob DSLR, SLT, NEX oder jetzt ILCx.
Das Filterpaket ist immer mit einem Halter angebracht, aber meist auch noch zusätzlich geklebt. Dafür gibt es ein Lösungsmittel zum Trennen und ein Passswerkzeug zum korrekten Aufkleben.
Ob auch bei der α7R geklebt wird oder der Halteclip reicht, weiß ich nicht


wieder da ...

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Registriert am: 19.11.2009

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#228 von Reisefoto , 14.02.2014 09:52

Vollständiger Test der Sony A7R bei Dpreview:
Gold Award.

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Registriert am: 04.03.2006

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#229 von aidualk , 14.02.2014 11:07

Hier haben wir wieder den Unterschied zwischen DXOMark, die bei ihren ISO Messungen mal wieder bei 'min', in dem Fall ISO 50, den höchsten Dynamikumfang angeben, und dpreview die, wie die meisten anderen, und auch nach meiner Erfahrung, bei ISO 50 im Vergleich zu ISO 100 einen reduzierten Dynamikumfang ausweisen.

Das nur mal am Rande, weil es mich gedrückt hat.

Beiträge: 848
Registriert am: 17.12.2007

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#230 von Phillip , 14.02.2014 11:30

ZITAT(aidualk @ 2014-02-14, 11:07) Hier haben wir wieder den Unterschied zwischen DXOMark, die bei ihren ISO Messungen mal wieder bei 'min', in dem Fall ISO 50, den höchsten Dynamikumfang angeben, und dpreview die, wie die meisten anderen, und auch nach meiner Erfahrung, bei ISO 50 im Vergleich zu ISO 100 einen reduzierten Dynamikumfang ausweisen.

Das nur mal am Rande, weil es mich gedrückt hat.[/quote]
Ich sehe bei DxO keinen Wert für ISO 50.

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Registriert am: 17.01.2006

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#231 von aidualk , 14.02.2014 11:58

ZITAT(Phillip @ 2014-02-14, 11:30) Ich sehe bei DxO keinen Wert für ISO 50.[/quote]

Na ja, das liegt daran, dass sie den ISO 50 Wert als ISO 73 gemessen haben und so auch ausweisen.

Beiträge: 848
Registriert am: 17.12.2007

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#232 von Phillip , 14.02.2014 12:06

ZITAT(aidualk @ 2014-02-14, 11:58) ZITAT(Phillip @ 2014-02-14, 11:30) Ich sehe bei DxO keinen Wert für ISO 50.[/quote]

Na ja, das liegt daran, dass sie den ISO 50 Wert als ISO 73 gemessen haben und so auch ausweisen.
Sie haben aber auch den ISO 100 Wert als ISO 73 gemessen und in der Beschriftung bei DR steht ISO 100, nicht ISO 50.

fotos auf flickr | mein blog

Beiträge: 1.003
Registriert am: 17.01.2006

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#233 von matthiaspaul , 16.02.2014 00:16

Der Vollständigkeit halber mal ein paar Sachen nachgetragen...
ZITAT(Frank @ 2013-10-16, 7:29) [/quote];NewsAreaId=2
Der Beginn einer neuen Ära: a7
16. Oktober 2013

Vollformatsensor, extraschneller Autofokus und neuer BIONZ X Bildprozessor plus NFC und WiFi auf kleinstem Raum: Die neue a7 verbindet professionelle Eigenschaften einer klassischen Spiegelreflexkamera mit den Vorzügen eines kompakten, spiegellosen Systems. Das neue Vorzeigemodell von Sony gibt es in zwei Varianten: a7 mit 24,3 Megapixel und a7R mit 36,4 Megapixel Exmor Vollformat-Sensor.

Mit der a7 und a7R (Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R) setzt Sony neue Maßstäbe in der digitalen Fotografie. Denn auf eine spiegellose Kamera mit Vollformatsensor, die anspruchsvollen Fotografen alle kreativen Möglichkeiten bietet und gleichzeitig kaum mehr als eine Handfläche ausfüllt, haben Enthusiasten bis heute vergeblich gewartet.

Und weil die neuen kompakten, spiegellosen Vollformat-Kameras nach neuen kompakten, leichten und robusten Objektiven verlangen, kündigt Sony mit den beiden Klassenbesten unter den Systemkameras fünf neue Vollformat E-Mount Objektive für Foto und Video an. Darunter auch Premium-Modelle von Carl Zeiss.

Kompromisslos kompakt

Wer mit Leib und Seele fotografiert, möchte alle zentralen Kamerafunktionen mit einem Knopfdruck oder einer Berührung der Wahlräder ändern können. Ergonomisch perfekt für Zeigefinger und Daumen verfügen sowohl die a7 als auch die a7R über jeweils ein Kontrollrad auf der Vorder- und auf der Rückseite. Diejenigen, denen das nicht reicht, können auf der Oberseite der Kameras zusätzlich das Wahlrad für die Belichtungskorrektur bedienen. So muss das Auge den weiter verbesserten Sucher mit XGA OLED Display exakt auf der optischen Achse nicht verlassen, um wichtige Einstellungen während des Fotografierens vorzunehmen. Wer mag, kann auch den mit 7,5 Zentimetern Durchmesser großzügigen und zudem schwenkbaren LCD Monitor auf der Rückseite nutzen. Verglichen mit konventionellen Spiegelreflexkameras führen die a7 Geschwister von Sony alle wichtigen Kamerafunktionen übersichtlich auf kleinstem Raum zusammen. Das Äußere deutet die Leistungsfähigkeit der Kamera bereits an. Staub- und spritzwassergeschützt sind die Bodys beider Kameras. Formvollendet ist das Gehäuse der a7R sogar vollständig aus Magnesium.

Großes Herz

35 Millimeter Vollformat ist das Zauberwort, das anspruchsvolle Fotografen ins Schwärmen geraten lässt. Schließlich erlauben große Sensoren kreativen Nutzern deutlich mehr Spielraum beim Fotografieren in jeder Situation. Mit anderen Worten: Sie sind die zentralen Bauteile einer jeden Kamera – und in den beiden a7 Modellen von Sony schlagen zwei verschiedene Herzen. Der 24,3 Megapixel Sensor der a7 ist ein Garant für rauschfreie und extrem detailreiche Bilder. Der 36,4 Megapixel Exmor CMOS Sensor der a7R ist noch mehr auf Abbildungsleistung getrimmt. Ohne optischen Tiefpassfilter, dafür mit neuen Technologien zur Lichtbündelung und mit größeren Fotodioden erreicht er optische Höchstleistungen. Das neue "On-chip-Design" lässt die minimalen Lücken zwischen den einzelnen Pixeln verschwinden. Die Sensorfläche wird optimal ausgeleuchtet und sorgt damit für beste Voraussetzungen für ausdrucksstarke Bilder. Trotz außergewöhnlich hoher Pixelzahl bleibt das Rauschverhalten angenehm niedrig.


Angesichts der großen Datenmengen, die von den kraftstrotzenden Vollformatsensoren aufgezeichnet werden, bedarf es im Inneren der Kameras eines leistungsstarken Gehirns, das alle ankommenden Informationen schnell und präzise verarbeiten kann. Der neue BIONZ X Prozessor kann Fotos und Full HD Videos in Echtzeit verarbeiten. Natürliche Farben und kein wahrnehmbares Rauschen sind die Qualitätsmerkmale, die Fotos und Videos im besten Licht präsentieren. Professionelle Video-Funktionen wie Tonaussteuerung und die unkomprimierte Ausgabe der Signale via HDMI an einen externen Monitor oder eine mobile Festplatte runden den Leistungskatalog des Prozessor-Boliden ab.

Präziser Analytiker

Auch dank der gedankenschnellen Performance des BIONZ X Prozessors arbeitet der neue "Fast Intelligent Autofokus" mit höchster Präzision und Schnelligkeit. Der neue "Hybrid Fast Intelligent AF" der a7 verbindet sogar "Phasen-Autofokus" mit dem schnellen "Fast Intelligent Autofokus". Der neue "Spatial Object Detection" Algorithmus verarbeitet die ermittelten Daten der beiden Autofokussysteme so schnell, dass der Autofokus der a7 zu den schnellsten Varianten unter allen Vollformatkameras gehört. Zunächst grenzt der "Phasen-Autofokus" mit 117 AF Punkten den Schärfebereich im Motiv ein. Im zweiten Schritt ermittelt der Kontrast-Autofokus mit 25 Kontrollfeldern den exakten Schärfepunkt. Besonders praktisch: Auf Wunsch fokussiert die a7 beim Portrait-Shooting auf die Augen. Das garantiert überzeugende Portraits mit perfekter Schärfe – genau da, wo sie sein soll. Sogar wenn das Gesicht teilweise verdeckt oder abgewandt ist und somit nicht vollständig von der Kamera erkannt werden kann, bleibt das Auge exakt im Fokus. Besonders komfortabel: Die Größe des Spot-AF kann an die jeweilige Situation individuell angepasst werden.

Vernetzt, flexibel und kontaktfreudig

Hoch auflösende Fotos können von beiden Kameras sofort auf einem 4K Ultra HD Fernseher wiedergegeben werden. Dank Triluminos Technologie erscheinen die Bilder dann nicht nur in vierfacher Auflösung im Vergleich zu Full HD. Triluminos Colour sorgt im Zusammenspiel mit den 4K Ultra HD BRAVIA Fernsehern von Sony für besonders natürliche, nuancenreiche Farben.

Wer seine neuen Fotos direkt via Smartphone oder Tablet teilen möchte, nutzt Near Field Communication (NFC) oder WiFi. Dank NFC reicht es aus, wenn sich Smartphone und Kamera berühren, um eine direkte Verbindung aufzunehmen. Mit "PlayMemories Camera Apps" stehen zudem einige teils kostenfreie teils kostenpflichtige Foto Apps zur Verfügung, die die kreativen Möglichkeiten mit den Kameras dank Effektfiltern und besonderen Bearbeitungsmöglichkeiten erweitern. Die neue "Multiple Exposure" App zum Beispiel verbindet Serienaufnahmen zu einem neuen Bild. Die vorinstallierte "Smart Remote Control" erlaubt es jedem Smartphone, die beiden Kameras fernzusteuern und wichtige Einstellungen direkt vom Handy aus vorzunehmen.

Fünf neue Vollformat-Objektive begleiten die beiden Vorzeigemodelle von Sony – auf Wunsch bis in die Fototasche eines jeden Fotografen. Konkret kommen zwei Standard-Zooms von Sony und Carl Zeiss, zwei lichtstarke Sonnar T* Prime und ein Premium G Tele-Objektiv auf den Markt. Der neue Objektiv-Adapter LA-EA4 ermöglicht allen, die auf bewährte Objektive zurückgreifen wollen, die Nutzung aller existierenden A-Mount Vollformat-Varianten wie zum Beispiel des angekündigten SAL-70200G2 70-200 Millimeter F2,8 G SSM II Telezoom.

Als optionales Zubehör bietet Sony den externen Vertikalgriff VG-C1EM an, der zwei Akkus fasst. Das BC-TRW Ladegerät zeigt den Status des eingelegten Akkus via LED Signal an. Der FA-CS1M Blitzschuh kann zum entfesselten Blitzen genutzt werden. Die LCS-ELCA Schutzhülle aus Leder lässt nichts an die neuen Kameras herankommen und sieht zudem besonders edel aus.

Sony World Photography Awards

Um die Werke von ambitionierten Fotografen aus Deutschland noch mehr würdigen zu können, startet Sony passend zur Ankündigung der neuen Vollformatkameras den "German National Award" im Rahmen der Sony World Photography Awards. Der Award prämiert das beste Einzelbild eines deutschen Fotografen in der offenen Kategorie. Alle Einsendungen für den Offenen Wettbewerb aus Deutschland nehmen an der Ausscheidung zum "German National Award" teil. Anfang kommenden Jahres wird der Gewinner gewählt. Er erhält eine Kamera-Ausstattung von Sony und fährt am 30. April 2014 zur Sony World Photography Awards Gala nach London. Dort wird das Siegerbild im Rahmen der offiziellen Ausstellung gezeigt. Einsendeschluss für alle Bewerbungen ist der 6. Januar 2014. Weitere Informationen finden Interessierte unter

Weitere Informationen zu Kameras und Zubehör gibt es unter Hier können sowohl a7 als auch a7R ab heute vorbestellt werden.

Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung und Verfügbarkeit

ILCE-7R (a7R Body): 2.099,00 Euro
ILCE-7 (a7 Body): 1.499,00 Euro
ILCE-7K (a7 im Kit mit SEL-2870 Vollformat Zoom-Objektiv): 1.799,00 Euro
Verfügbarkeit: ab November 2013

Für weitere informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an
Sony Deutschland Presse
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Über Sony

Sony bietet integrierte Unterhaltungserlebnisse, die die Bereiche Elektronik, Smartphones, Musik, Film, Spiele und das Sony Entertainment Network zusammenführen. Damit ist das Unternehmen einzigartig aufgestellt, um als eine der weltweit führenden Consumer Marken erfolgreich zu agieren. Sony ist bekannt für seine audiovisuellen Produkte für Endverbraucher sowie für professionelle Anwender. Dazu zählen die 4K Ultra HD und Full HD LED BRAVIA Fernseher, die Cyber-shot Digitalkameras, die Handycam Camcorder, die Alpha SLR-Kameras, das Sony Tablet, der WALKMAN MP3-Player sowie die VAIO Computer und professionellen 3D HD Broadcast-Lösungen.

Weitere Informationen zu Sony und unseren Produkten erhalten Sie unter sowie im Sony Store im Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz in Berlin. Informationen zur Sony Corporation gibt es unter "Sony", "WALKMAN", "VAIO", "Cyber-shot", "Handycam", "a", "BRAVIA" und "XDCAM" sind eingetragene Marken oder Marken der Sony Corporation. Alle anderen Marken oder eingetragenen Marken sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Unternehmen.[/quote];NewsAreaId=2
ZITATSony introduces the α7 camera: Full-frame photography without the full dimensions
16 October 2013

α7 series cameras from Sony are world’s first mirrorless cameras with 35mm full-frame sensor[i]
[i] According to a survey conducted by Sony as of October 2013, for non-reflex interchangeable lens digital cameras equipped with autofocus function.

•35mm Full-frame Exmor™ CMOS sensor with 24.3 effective megapixels
•New BIONZ X™ processor with approximately 3x faster processing speed[i] and new area-specific noise reduction for improved image quality
•Enhanced Fast Hybrid AF combines speedy phase detection AF with highly accurate contrast detection AF[ii]
•Improved XGA OLED Tru-Finder™ with wide field of view
•Practical, reliable and intuitive with dust/moisture-resistant magnesium alloy body[iii] and extensive custom controls
•AVCHD Progressive Full HD (1920x1080 - 60p/25p[iv]) movie recording with audio level control and clean HDMI output
•4K photo output and support for TRILUMINOS Display
•NFC and Wi-Fi for easy connection with smartphones & tablets

The new α7 from Sony delivers all of the advantages of a 35mm full frame image sensor and lens interchangeability in a truly compact body. Without compromising on image quality, shooting comfort, functionality or AF performance, the α7 delivers stunning photographs that were previously only possible on large high-end cameras.

Alongside the new α7R, the α7 liberates photographers and cinematographers by combining amazing portability with all the advantages of full-frame photography and moviemaking. It offer including higher sensitivity shooting with lower noise, a wider dynamic range, a shallower depth of field that enables dramatic defocusing effects like bokeh and compatibility with a newly extended range of full-frame lenses.

Beautifully styled and crafted from a robust magnesium alloy body, the α7 is designed to sit comfortably in the users hand. Front and back dials plus a control wheel and exposure compensation dial allow intuitive adjustments while framing shots through the high-contrast, high resolution XGA OLED Tru-Finder or on the tiltable 3.0-type LCD screen.

Together with the powerful new BIONZ X processor, the full-frame sensor also allows the α7 to shoot pro-quality Full HD video[v]. You’ll enjoy rich, beautifully rendered movie footage with sumptuous colours and ultra-low noise, even in low light. Clear Image Zoom has been enhanced for video recording, delivering powerful close-ups without sacrificing pixel count. Pro-style movie features include an audio recording level control and display, plus a ‘clean’ HDMI output that allows video to be viewed on an external monitor or recorded on another device.

An enhanced Fast Hybrid autofocus combines speedy phase detection AF with highly accurate contrast detection AF, which has been accelerated through a new Spatial Object Detection algorithm, to achieve among the fastest autofocusing performance of any full-frame camera. Even when capturing a subject partially turned away from the camera with a shallow depth of field, the face will be sharply focused thanks to extremely accurate eye-detection (eye AF) that can prioritise a single pupil. First, the phase-detection AF with 117 densely placed phase-detection AF points swiftly and efficiently move the lens to bring the subject into focus. Then contrast-detection AF (25 points) fine tunes the focussing in the blink of an eye.

High-resolution still images can be displayed directly on a 4K television that offers four times the detail of Full HD. Support for TRILUMINOS Colour delivers a stunning palette of rich, natural colours when viewing movies and photos captured with the α7 on a compatible BRAVIA television with TRILUMINOS Display.

With both Wi-Fi and NFC, the α7 offers effortless one-touch wireless connections with your Xperia™ or NFC-compatible Android smartphone or tablet. PlayMemories Camera Apps further enhance your photo experience with a growing range of free and paid apps, spanning exciting new creative effects and filters, utilities and more.

The new ‘Multiple Exposure’ app automatically composites sequential exposures, making it easy to create beautiful and dramatic effects with a choice of pre-set artistic themes as well as manual blending modes.

Pre-installed in the α7, ‘Smart Remote Control’[vi] controls exposure and shutter release from your smartphone. Great for tripod-mounted group shots and self-portraits, the app also sends photos automatically to your mobile device for on-the-spot sharing.[vii]

New full-frame interchangeable E-mount lenses

There’s a choice of five new full-frame E-mount lenses to realise the sheer imaging power of the α7. The E-mount full-frame family includes two mid-range zooms by Sony and Carl Zeiss, two bright Sonnar T* primes and a premium-quality G lens telephoto zoom. There’s also a new-generation mount adaptor that gives photographers extra freedom to re-use their precious collection of full-frame A-mount optics with both cameras, including the newly-announced SAL70200G2 70-200mm F2.8 G SSM II telephoto zoom.

New accessories will also be available for the α7. The VG-C1EM grip extends shooting stamina via two NP-FW50 batteries, as well as providing greater user comfort during vertical shooting. The BC-TRW Battery Charger gives visual LED confirmation of recharging status. The FA-CS1M off-camera shoe can be used as an off-camera cable by connecting with a Multi Flash Cable. The LCS-ELCA premium leather soft carrying case extends the premium quality experience of handling and using the α7 while protecting your camera from scuffs and marks whilst being carried.

The light, compact new α7 interchangeable lens full-frame digital cameras from Sony is available for pre-order from today and will go on general sale in Europe from mid-November.

- Ends –

Key specifications


Lens compatibility
Sony E-mount lenses

Image sensor

35mm full frame (35.8x23.9mm), Exmor CMOS sensor

Number of pixels (effective)
Approx. 24.3 megapixels

Record system (still image)

Recording format
JPEG (DCF Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver.2.3, MPF Baseline compliant), RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 format)

Record system (movie)
Recording format
AVCHD format Ver. 2.0 compliant/ MP4

Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo, Memory Stick XC-HG Duo, SD memory card, SDHC memory card (UHS-I compliant), SDXC memory card (UHS-I compliant)

Focus system
Fast Hybrid AF
(phase detection AF/

contrast detection AF)

Focus points
35mm full frame: 117 points (phase detection AF / 25 points (contrast detection AF)

Exposure control
Metering type
1200-zone evaluative metering

ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index)
Still images: ISO 100-25600 equivalent (1/3 EV step), (ISO numbers up from ISO 50 can be set as expanded ISO range),
AUTO (ISO 100-6400, selectable lower limit and upper limit)
Movies: ISO 200-25600 equivalent (1/3 EV step) / AUTO (ISO 200-6400 equivalent)

1.3 cm (0.5-type) electronic viewfinder (colour)

Number of dots
2,359,296 dots

Field coverage

approx. 0.71x (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1m-1) diopter

LCD screen
7.5cm (3.0-type) type TFT

No. of dots
921,600 dots

Adjustable angle
Up by approx. 90 degrees, Down by approx. 45 degrees

View on smartphone

Send to computer

View on TV

Yes (NFC Forum Type 3 Tag compatible,

One-touch remote, One-touch sharing)

PlayMemories Camera Apps

Built-in stereo microphones or ECM-CG50/ XLR-K1M (sold separately)

Built-in, monaural

Headphone Terminal
Yes (3.5 mm stereo minijack)

Dimensions (excluding protrusions)
Approx. 126.9mm x 94.4mm x 48.2mm

Approx. 416g (body only)

Approx. 474g (with battery and Memory Stick PRO Duo included)


[i] Compared to previous BIONZ processors

[ii] 117 points (phase detection AF / 25 points (contrast detection AF)

[iii] Only top housing and internal structure constructed of rigid magnesium alloy

[iv] The α7 series supports both PAL and NTSC movie recording

[v] AVCHD Progressive, 1920x1080 60p/50p/25p/24p

[vi] α7 series will become compatible with "Camera Remote API beta”( ), API (Application Program Interface) for remote operation of Sony camera with Wi-Fi-equipped smartphones and electronic tablets, after installation of the most recent Smart Remote Control that is distributed from countries providing PlayMemories Camera Apps.

[vii] ‘Direct Upload’ available at launch. ‘Multiple exposure’, ‘Picture Effect+’, ‘Photo Retouch’ and ‘Lens Compensation’ will be available for the α7 series by the end of 2013

For more information please contact
David Edwards.
e: <>

Offering an integrated entertainment experience through its electronics, mobile, music, pictures, game and the Sony Entertainment Network, Sony is uniquely positioned to be one of the world's leading consumer brands. Sony is renowned for its audio-visual products in both the consumer and professional markets, such as the 4K Ultra HD and Full HD LED BRAVIA™ television, Cyber-shot™ digital camera, Handycam® camcorder, "α” (pronounced Alpha) digital SLR camera, Xperia™ Tablet and Walkman® MP3 player as well as its VAIO™ personal computers and 3D HD professional broadcast equipment.

For more information on Sony Europe, please visit For more information on Sony Corporation please visit

"Sony”, "WALKMAN”, "VAIO”, "Cyber-shot”, "Handycam”, "α”, "BRAVIA” and "Xperia” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.[/quote];NewsAreaId=2
ZITATSony introduces the a7R: the world’s smallest, lightest interchangeable lens camera*

16 October 2013

a7 series cameras from Sony are world’s first mirrorless cameras with 35mm full-frame sensor[i]


[i] According to a survey conducted by Sony as of October 2013, for non-reflex interchangeable lens digital cameras equipped with autofocus function.

•Newly developed Full-frame Exmor™ CMOS sensor with ‘gapless on chip’ lens design offering 36.4 effective megapixels and no optical low-pass filter
•New BIONZ X™ processor with approximately 3x faster processing speed[i] and new area-specific noise reduction for improved image quality
•Newly-developed fast intelligent AF is 35% quicker than conventional contrast-detection autofocus
•Improved XGA OLED Tru-Finder™ with wide field of view
•Practical, reliable and intuitive with dust/moisture-resistant magnesium alloy body and extensive custom controls
•AVCHD Progressive Full HD (1920x1080 - 60p/25p[ii]) movie recording with audio level control and clean HDMI output
•4K photo output and support for TRILUMINOS Display
•NFC and Wi-Fi for easy connection with smartphones & tablets

Hotly awaited by professional photographers and enthusiasts, the a7R from Sony sets an exciting new benchmark in digital imaging. A game-changing blend of imaging power and portability, this mirrorless camera redefines the creative options of full-frame photography in a palm-sized interchangeable lens camera.

The a7R and new a7 give serious photographers a limitless array of new artistic possibilities. Expanding the range of optics from Sony and Carl Zeiss, six[iii] new full-frame lenses complement the cameras’ superlative image quality – whether you’re shooting detail-packed stills or crisp, cinematic Full HD video.

Beautifully styled and easy to hold on lengthy assignments, the a7R is a no-compromise photographic tool that puts the needs of advanced users first. Front and back dials plus a control wheel and exposure compensation dial allow intuitive adjustments while framing shots through the high-contrast, high resolution XGA OLED Tru-Finder or on the tiltable 3.0-type LCD screen.

The 35mm full-frame Exmor CMOS sensor incorporates light concentration and photo diode expansion technologies and also features a new ‘gapless’ on-chip lens design that eliminates gaps between adjacent pixels. These advances increase light collection efficiency, achieving outstanding resolution, sensitivity and low noise while circumventing the challenge of decreased pixel size due to the extremely high pixel count.

Together with the powerful new BIONZ X processor, the full-frame sensor also allows the a7R to shoot pro-quality Full HD video[iv]. You’ll enjoy rich, beautifully rendered movie footage with sumptuous colours and ultra-low noise, even in low light. Clear Image Zoom has been enhanced for video recording, delivering powerful close-ups without sacrificing pixel count. Pro-style movie features include an audio recording level control and display, plus a ‘clean’ HDMI output that allows video to be viewed on an external monitor or recorded on another device.

The a7R showcases a new Fast Intelligent AF that ensures speedy, accurate autofocus and is designed to be fully customisable to exactly suit your precise photographic demands, with nine customisable buttons and 46 assignable functions.[v] Even when capturing a subject partially turned away from the camera with a shallow depth of field, the face will be sharply focused thanks to extremely accurate eye-detection (eye AF) that can prioritise a single pupil.

High-resolution still images can be displayed directly on a 4K television that offers four times the detail of Full HD. Support for TRILUMINOS Colour delivers a stunning palette of rich, natural colours when viewing movies and photos captured with the a7R on a compatible BRAVIA television with TRILUMINOS Display.

With both Wi-Fi with NFC, the a7R offers effortless one-touch wireless connections with your Xperia™ or NFC-compatible Android smartphone or tablet. PlayMemories Camera Apps further enhance your photo experience with a growing range of free and paid apps, spanning exciting new creative effects and filters, utilities and more.

The new ‘Multiple Exposure’ app automatically composites sequential exposures, making it easy to create beautiful and dramatic effects with a choice of pre-set artistic themes as well as manual blending modes.

Pre-installed in the a7R, ‘Smart Remote Control’[vi] controls exposure and shutter release from your smartphone. Great for tripod-mounted group shots and self-portraits, the app also sends photos automatically to your mobile device for on-the-spot sharing.[vii]

With a tough magnesium alloy body that’s dust- and moisture-resistant, the a7R weighs in at just 407g (body only) as the world’s smallest, lightest interchangeable lens camera with a full-frame sensor.

Appealing equally to busy photo professionals and advanced amateurs, it also boasts the highest image quality of any a camera to date. The brand-new 36.4-effective megapixel (approx.) full-frame Exmor CMOS sensor delivers levels of detail unprecedented in any camera of its class. The high resolution sensor of the a7R has no optical low-pass filter, ensuring that its extraordinary resolving power is fully exploited. It’s complemented by a new BIONZ X processor – Sony’s latest-generation imaging engine that maximises detail and reduces image noise over a wide ISO 100-25600 sensitivity range (NB: expandable down to ISO 50 and up to ISO 51,200 with Multi-Frame Noise Reduction).

New full-frame interchangeable E-mount lenses

There’s a choice of five new full-frame E-mount lenses to realise the sheer imaging power of the a7R. The E-mount full-frame family includes two mid-range zooms by Sony and Carl Zeiss, two bright Sonnar T* primes and a premium-quality G lens telephoto zoom. There’s also a new-generation mount adaptor that gives photographers extra freedom to re-use their precious collection of full-frame A-mount optics with both cameras, including the newly-announced SAL70200G2 70-200mm F2.8 G SSM II telephoto zoom.

New accessories will also be available for the a7R. The VG-C1EM grip extends shooting stamina via two NP-FW50 batteries, as well as providing greater user comfort during vertical shooting. The BC-TRW Battery Charger gives visual LED confirmation of recharging status. The FA-CS1M off-camera shoe can be used as an off-camera cable by connecting with a Multi Flash Cable. The LCS-ELCA premium leather soft carrying case extends the premium quality experience of handling and using the a7R while protecting your camera from scuffs and marks whilst being carried.

The light, compact new a7R interchangeable lens full-frame digital camera from Sony is available for pre-order from htpp:// today and will go on general sale in Europe from mid-November.

- Ends –

Key specifications


Lens compatibility
Sony E-mount lenses

Image sensor

35mm full frame (35.9x24.0mm), Exmor CMOS sensor

Number of pixels (effective)
Approx. 36.4 megapixels

Record system (still image)

Recording format
JPEG (DCF Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver.2.3, MPF Baseline compliant), RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 format)

Record system (movie)
Recording format
AVCHD format Ver. 2.0 compliant/ MP4

Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo, Memory Stick XC-HG Duo, SD memory card, SDHC memory card (UHS-I compliant), SDXC memory card (UHS-I compliant)

Focus system
Fast Intelligent AF
(contrast detection AF)

Focus points
25 points (contrast detection AF)

Exposure control
Metering type
1200-zone evaluative metering

ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index)
Still images: ISO 100-25600 equivalent (1/3 EV step), (ISO numbers up from ISO 50 can be set as expanded ISO range),
AUTO (ISO 100-6400, selectable lower limit and upper limit)
Movies: ISO 200-25600 equivalent (1/3 EV step) / AUTO (ISO 200-6400 equivalent)

1.3 cm (0.5-type) electronic viewfinder (colour)

Number of dots
2,359,296 dots

Field coverage

approx. 0.71x (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1m-1) diopter

LCD screen
7.5cm (3.0-type) type TFT

No. of dots
921,600 dots

Adjustable angle
Up by approx. 90 degrees, Down by approx. 45 degrees

View on smartphone

Send to computer

View on TV

Yes (NFC Forum Type 3 Tag compatible,

One-touch remote, One-touch sharing)

PlayMemories Camera Apps

Built-in stereo microphones or ECM-CG50/ XLR-K1M (sold separately)

Built-in, monaural

Headphone Terminal
Yes (3.5 mm stereo minijack)

Dimensions (excluding protrusions)
Approx. 126.9mm x 94.4mm x 48.2mm

Approx. 407g (body only)

Approx. 465g (with battery and Memory Stick PRO Duo included)


* According to survey conducted by Sony as of October 2013, for non-reflex interchangeable lens digital cameras equipped with autofocus function.

[i] Compared to previous BIONZ processors

[ii] The a7 series supports both PAL and NTSC movie recording

[iii] Five new E-mount lenses and one new A-mount lens which can be used on the new a7 and a7R with a lens adaptor

[iv] AVCHD Progressive, 1920x1080 60p/50p/25p/24p

[v] Some functions can only be assigned to certain buttons
[vi] a7 series will become compatible with "Camera Remote API beta”( ), API (Application Program Interface) for remote operation of Sony camera with Wi-Fi-equipped smartphones and electronic tablets, after installation of the most recent Smart Remote Control that is distributed from countries providing PlayMemories Camera Apps.

[vii] ‘Direct Upload’ available at launch. ‘Multiple exposure’, ‘Picture Effect+’, ‘Photo Retouch’ and ‘Lens Compensation’ will be available for the a7 series by the end of 2013

For more information please contact
David Edwards.
e: <>

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"Sony”, "WALKMAN”, "VAIO”, "Cyber-shot”, "Handycam”, "a”, "BRAVIA” and "Xperia” are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.[/quote]
by Communications 10/15/2013

New Sony α7 Series Are World’s Smallest, Lightest Full-Frame Interchangeable Lens Cameras2

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 15, 2013 – Sony’s new α7 and α7R digital cameras are the world’s smallest full-frame interchangeable lens models2. Highly anticipated by professional photographers and imaging enthusiasts alike, the two new cameras offer an unmatched combination of creativity, customizability and portability.

The α7R model features a 36.4 effective megapixel 35mm Exmor® CMOS sensor – the highest resolution sensor in the history of Sony’s α line – with no optical low pass filter for added resolving power and increased image detail. The α7 model boasts an impressive 24.3 effective megapixel 35mm Exmor® CMOS sensor and an innovative fast Hybrid AF system.

Each camera is equipped with advanced imaging features including a powerful new BIONZ® X processor; fast AF capabilities; a clear, bright XGA OLED Tru-finder, full HD 60p video recording, Wi-Fi® and NFC connection, dust-and moisture- resistance and more.

"With these new α7 camera systems, Sony has completely redefined the look and feel of a professional-grade digital camera,” said Mike Kahn, director of the interchangeable lens camera business at Sony Electronics. "The α7 and α7R cameras are significantly smaller, lighter and more portable than any other full-frame interchange lens camera yet deliver image quality, power and performance that professionals and enthusiasts crave.”

Both cameras feature full customization and control to meet the needs of the most demanding photographers. There are 9 different customizable buttons and 46 assignable functions that can be adjusted based on shooting preferences, including fully customizable front and back dials, a rear control wheel and an exposure compensation dial. Users can preview all changes to photographic settings in real-time on the high-contrast, 2.4 million dot XGA OLED Tru-Finder or the high-resolution tiltable 3” LCD screen.

The new cameras share a powerful new BIONZ X processor that accurately reproduces details in textures in real-time via extra high-speed processing capabilities, and allows for exceptional low noise performance in all types of lighting conditions. Additionally, the powerful processor combined with the advanced, high resolution sensors allow both cameras to shoot pro-quality Full HD video (AVCHD progressive, 1920x1080p @ 60p) with richly detailed colors and ultra-low noise.

Clear Image Zoom has been enhanced for video recording as well, allowing for powerful close-up shots without sacrificing pixel count. Other pro-style movie features include an audio recording level control and display plus a "live” HDMI® output for passing through video to an external monitor or recording device.

The new cameras both have on-board Wi-Fi and NFC capabilities for instant image sharing and transfer to compatible smartphones and tablets. The α7R and α7 models can access Sony’s platform of PlayMemories™ Camera Apps, allowing users to add new effects, filters, utilities and more. This platform includes new ‘Multiple Exposure’ app, which automatically combines sequential exposures into one creative shot, and ‘Smart Remote Control’4, which allows for direct control of exposure and shutter speed from a connected smartphone and is particularly useful for self-portraits or group shots5. Find out more at .

The new α7 and α7R cameras each have a tough, magnesium alloy build and are dust and moisture resistant for standing up to some of the toughest weather conditions.

α7R Camera

Designed for professional photographers and highly advanced enthusiasts, the new α7R model is the world’s smallest and lightest full-frame interchangeable lens camera2.

It has an impressive 36.4 effective megapixel full frame sensor and no optical low pass filter, ensuring that the extraordinary resolving power is fully realized and resulting in an unprecedented level of detail and clarity in images.

The camera features a new Fast Intelligent AF technology that delivers blazingly quick, accurate autofocus. Additionally, there are a total of three selectable sizes for the Flexible Spot AF frame, minimizing the risk of accidentally focusing on the wrong target.

α7 Camera

Offering an exciting entry into the world of full-frame photography, the α7 camera features an advanced 24.3 effective megapixel full-frame Exmor CMOS sensor paired with the powerful new BIONZ X processor.

The exciting new camera has an innovative Fast Hybrid AF system that combines phase- and contrast-detect AF methods to ensure speedy, accurate autofocus. It can also shoot at up to 5 fps continuously with non-stop AF tracking, allowing it to keep pace with fast-moving athletes, wildlife or energetic children.

New Sony α Lenses and Accessories

There are a total of 5 new full-frame E-mount lenses designed to take full advantage of the powerful imaging capabilities of the α7R and α7 cameras, including mid-range zoom lenses from Sony and Carl Zeiss, two bright Zeiss Sonnar T*™ prime lenses and a premium-quality G Lens™ telephoto zoom. Sony’s growing E-mount interchangeable lens lineup now consists of 21 different lenses including the new full-frame models.

In addition to the new lenses, there are also two new-generation mount adaptors that give photographers the ability to utilize full-frame Sony A-mount optics on the α7 and α7R cameras. The LA-EA3 adapter simply adds compatibility for existing A-mount lenses the new cameras, while the LA-EA4 model adds the ultra-fast focusing and shooting capabilities of Sony’s innovative Translucent Mirror Technology.

There is also a new vertical grip (VG-C1EM) that offers greater comfort during vertical shooting and can accommodate two separate NP-FW50 batteries for extended battery life and shooting time. A new BC-TRW compact external battery charger that quickly charges batteries and is great for travel, and FA-CS1M off camera shoe allows the use of external flashes (HVL-43M, 20M) in off-camera wired applications. Additionally, the new LCS-ELCA premium soft leather carry case protects the α7 and α7R cameras from scuffs and marks while being carried.

Pricing and Availability

The Sony α7R and α7 full-frame interchangeable lens cameras will be available for purchase this December.

The α7R camera will be offered as a body-only for about $2300.

The Sony α7 compact system camera will be offered with a 28-70mm F3.5 – F5.6 full-frame lens (model SEL2870) for about $2000. It will also be offered as a body-only for about $1700.

The versatile new LA-EA3 and LA-EA4 mount adapters will be available in December for about $200 and $350, respectively.

The new VG-C1EM vertical grip and LCS-ELCA premium case will also be available in December for about $300 and $ 140, respectively.

The new camera and all compatible accessories will be available at Sony retail stores ( and other authorized dealers nationwide.

Please visit for a full video preview of the new Sony α7R and α7 full-frame cameras and follow #SonyAlpha on twitter for the latest α camera news.


Notes to Editors:

1 According to survey conducted by Sony as of October 2013, for non-reflex interchangeable lens digital camera equipped with auto focus function.

2 According to Sony’s internal research as of October 2013

3 Some functions can only be assigned to certain buttons

4 ‘Direct Upload’ available at launch. ‘Multiple Exposure’, ‘Smart remote control v2.10’, ‘Picture Effect+’, ‘Photo Retouch’ and ‘Lens Compensation’ will be available for the α7 / α7R by the end of 2013

5 α7 series will become compatible with "Camera Remote API beta”( ), API (Application Program Interface) for remote operation of Sony camera with Wi-Fi-equipped smartphones and electronic tablets, after installation of the most recent Smart Remote Control that is distributed from countries providing PlayMemories Camera Apps.[/quote]
Viele Grüße,


"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

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Registriert am: 08.06.2004

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#234 von harubang , 16.02.2014 00:45

Was ist denn das für eine Maschine?
Noch nie gesehen!


Beiträge: 752
Registriert am: 13.09.2003

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#235 von matthiaspaul , 16.02.2014 01:07

ZITAT(harubang @ 2014-02-16, 0:45)

Was ist denn das für eine Maschine?
Noch nie gesehen![/quote]
Erstaunlich, was für Links auf Anhänge zu Beiträgen Du findest... ;-)

Bei diesem Teil handelt es sich um ein Videoschulterstativ (video shoulder rig) nebst Schärfezieheinrichtung (follow focus system). Sowas gibt es von diversen Fremdanbietern. Welches Modell dort genau abgebildet ist, kann ich leider nicht sagen.

Viele Grüße,


"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

Beiträge: 14.595
Registriert am: 08.06.2004

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#236 von Reisefoto , 24.04.2014 09:46

Imaging-Resource hat inzwischen seine kompletten Tests der Sony Alpha A7 und A7R veröffentlicht.



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Registriert am: 04.03.2006

RE: Neu: Sony Alpha 7 und Alpha 7R

#237 von Reisefoto , 05.07.2014 11:04

Bericht über verschiedenste Weitwinkelobjektive an der Sony A7R bei Luminous Landscape:

Beiträge: 4.602
Registriert am: 04.03.2006


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