RE: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 Vollformat-Kompaktkamera

#1 von matthiaspaul , 12.09.2012 15:15;NewsAreaId=2
ZITATVollformat wie nie zuvor: Sony stellt neue Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 vor

12. September 2012

Aus der Jackentasche heraus in Profi-Qualität fotografieren - dieser Traum vieler Fotografen wird nun wahr: Mit der Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 präsentiert Sony eine kompakte Digitalkamera, deren fototechnisches Innenleben das von vielen Spiegelreflexkameras übertrifft. Schnappschüsse mit 24,3 Megapixeln und dem lichtstarken Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* Objektiv - gebannt auf den gleichen Profi-Bildsensor des neuen SLT-Flaggschiffs SLT-A99: Die DSC-RX1 von Sony eröffnet jedem, der Spaß an guten Bildern hat, ungeahnte Möglichkeiten.

Sony gelingt mit der DSC-RX1 das bislang Unmögliche: Eine Vollformatkamera in kompakter Form. Äußerlich ein Bekenntnis zum Understatement, innerlich eine Statement für kompromisslose Qualität. Die neue Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 sucht auf dem Kameramarkt ihresgleichen, denn die Kombination aus Vollformatsensor, BIONZ Bildprozessor und lichtstarker Carl Zeiss Festbrennweite gibt es bislang kein zweites Mal auf dem Markt.

Nie dagewesene Bildqualität dank Vollformat-Bildsensor

Ihre Model-Maße von 113,3 x 65,4 x 69,9 mm könnten selbst den Experten dazu verführen, die neue DSC-RX1 nicht für voll zu nehmen. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall: Im Inneren des kompakten Gehäuses erfüllt ein 35 Millimeter großer Exmor CMOS-Vollformat-Bildsensor mit effektiv 24,3 Megapixel seinen Dienst. Zum Vergleich: Der Sensor ist mehr als doppelt so groß wie der in gewöhnlichen Spiegelreflexkameras mit APS-C-Sensor, sieben Mal größer als der 1Zoll Sensor der kleinen Schwester DSC-RX100 und sogar 30mal größer als der Sensor einer herkömmlichen Kompaktkamera.

Die RX1 Kamera ist dabei nicht nur kompakt, sondern auch leicht: Mit Batterie und Speicherkarte bringt sie nur 482 Gramm auf die Waage.
Ergänzt wird der Vollformat-Sensor durch die perfekt abgestimmte übrige Technik aus dem Hause Sony: das lichtstarke Carl Zeiss Objektiv und der weiter entwickelte BIONZ-Bildprozessor. Letzterer verarbeitet die erzeugten Daten so schnell, dass die DSC-RX1 bis zu fünf Bilder pro Sekunde schießen kann. Auch ist es sein Verdienst, dass sie Aufnahmen im unkomprimierten 14-Bit-RAW-Format zu speichern vermag, wodurch dem Fotografen alle Freiheiten zur Nachbearbeitung bleiben.

Neu entwickeltes Objektiv für den speziellen Einsatz

Ein hervorragender Sensor alleine macht jedoch noch kein gutes Bild. Das Zusammenspiel von Sensor, Prozessor und Objektiv ist entscheidend. Deshalb teilt sich der Vollformatsensor den geringen Platz im Gehäuse mit einem lichtstarken Carl Zeiss Sonnar T*-Objektiv. Dank einer neu entwickelten Objektivkonstruktion mit einem AA-Linsenelement gelingt es Sony, das Objektiv so kompakt zu bauen, dass es trotz des riesigen Bildsensors Platz in der Kamera findet.

Seine Festbrennweite von 35 Millimetern eignet sich hervorragend für Portraits sowie Landschaftsaufnahmen oder Street-Fotografie. Die zirkulare Blende mit sieben Lamellen und einer maximalen Öffnung von F2 ermöglicht ebenso schöne Bokeh-Effekte wie eine Spiegelreflexkamera. Mittels eines Makro-Rings verkürzt sich der minimale Motivabstand auf bis zu 20 Zentimeter.

Wer dennoch auf einen Zoom nicht verzichten möchte, kann bei der neuen RX1 getrost der Pixel Super Resolution Technology und Klarbild-Zoom Funktion vertrauen. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann die Brennweite verdoppelt werden, ohne dass die Bildqualität sich so stark verringert, wie es bei einem klassischen Digitalzoom der Fall wäre. Dank des Vollformats bleiben alle Bilddetails erhalten.

Keine Angst im Dunkeln: Lichtstärke bis ISO 102.400

Der XXL-Sensor ist nicht nur in der Lage, Motive dank hoher Auflösung in allen Details festzuhalten. Er ist zudem extrem lichtempfindlich - und zwar ohne nennenswertes Bildrauschen zu erzeugen. Aufgrund des Vollformat-Sensors verfügt die DSC-RX1 über eine Empfindlichkeit von ISO 100 bis ISO 25600. In einem speziellen "Expanded"-Modus lässt sich sogar ISO 50 einstellen und beim Gebrauch der Funktion "Mehrbild-Rauschunterdrückung" kann ISO 102.400 verwendet werden. Damit gelingen der DSC-RX1 hervorragende Bilder auch unter solchen Lichtbedingungen, bei denen andere Kompaktkameras wegen ihres kleinen Sensors aufgeben müssen.

Volle manuelle Kontrolle wie bei einer Spiegelreflexkamera

Wie bei einer Spiegelreflexkamera stehen dem Nutzer bei der DSC-RX1 vielfältige manuelle Einstelloptionen zur Verfügung. Mit Einstellringen am Objektiv lassen sich die Blende und der Fokus bedienen, während die Wahl des Scharfstellmodus über einen im DSLR-Stil geformten und an der Vorderseite der Kamera platzierten Bedienknopf vorgenommen wird. Ebenso sind die Belichtung und der Aufnahmemodus über ergonomisch geformte und leicht zu erreichende Bedienknöpfe einzustellen. Hier kann auch der Quick Navi-Modus eingeschaltet werden, mit dem alle relevanten Kameraeinstellungen abgerufen und geändert werden können. Seine Stärken ausspielen kann dieser Modus am besten mit dem optional erhältlichen elektronischen Sucher FDA-EV1MK, der die vorgenommenen Kameraeinstellungen wiedergibt. Ebenso wertvoll ist der Sucher bei der Kontrolle des manuellen Autofokus, der dank der Hilfsfunktionen MF Assist und Pro-Style Peaking leicht zu handhaben ist. Alle Bildelemente, die exakt auf der Schärfeebene liegen, werden im Sucher und auf dem Display farblich hervorgehoben.

Und Action: Videoaufnahmen in allerfeinster Qualität

Natürlich verhilft der Vollformat-Bildsensor der DSC-RX1 auch zu hervorragenden Videoeigenschaften. Die Kamera filmt in Full-HD Auflösung und in den Standards 50p/60p oder 25p/24p, mit dem jede alltägliche Szene das Zeug zum Kinofilm bekommt. Die Videos glänzen durch hohe Bildqualität, minimiertes Bildrauschen und gelingen auch bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen. Um der filmischen Kreativität keine Grenzen zu setzen, erlaubt Sony bei der RX1 die komplette Kontrolle über alle Einstellungen: Blenden-, Zeit- und Programmautomatik sowie manuelle Steuerung sind möglich.

Kunst-Fotos auf Knopfdruck

Wer in Sachen Kreativität noch intelligente Nachhilfe benötigt, kann sich jederzeit auf die frei wählbaren Bildeffekte zurückgreifen. 13 au-tomatische Kreativ-Funktionen und mehrere Nachbearbeitungs-Effekte warten darauf, von Fotografen ausprobiert zu werden.
Zusätzliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten eröffnen die Auto-HDR-Funktion, der Kontrastverstärker D-Range Optimierung (DRO) und eine Serienbildaufnahme mit unterschiedlichen Belichtungsstufen, verschiedenem Weißabgleich und diversen DRO-Einstellungen.


Auf der DSC-RX1 ist eine Lite-Version der Software PlayMemories Home vorinstalliert, damit Aufnahmen problemlos auf den Computer kopiert oder noch auf der Kamera bearbeitet werden können,. Eine erweiterte Version mit Zusatzfunktionen für den Videoschnitt und die DVD/CD-Erstellung steht registrierten Nutzern kostenlos zum Download bereit. Gleiches gilt für die Software PlayMemories Studio, mit der Fotos und Videos über die PlayStation3 wiedergegeben werden können. Über den Cloud-Service PlayMemories Online wiederum kann jeder seine Aufnahmen auch mit seinen Freunden teilen.

Neben dem bereits erwähnten elektronischen Sucher FDA-EV1MK sind auch ein optischer Sucher FDA-V1K, ein starkes Blitzgerät, ein aufsteckbarer LCD-Monitor und eine elegante Ledertasche LCJ-RXB als Zubehör erhältlich. Alle Erweiterungen lassen sich problemlos über den neuen Multi-Interface-Shoe (Zubehörschuh) an der Kamera anbringen.

Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung und Verfügbarkeit

Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 von Sony: 3099,00 Euro
Verfügbarkeit: ab Dezember 2012

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Sony bietet integrierte Unterhaltungserlebnisse, die die Bereiche Elektronik, Smartphones, Musik, Film, Spiele und das Sony Entertainment Network zusammenführen. Damit ist das Unternehmen einzigartig aufgestellt, um als eine der weltweit führenden Consumer Marken erfolgreich zu agieren. Sony ist bekannt für seine audiovisuellen Produkte für Endverbraucher sowie für professionelle Anwender. Dazu zählen die BRAVIA LCD High-Definition- (HD) Fernseher, die Cyber-shot Digitalkameras, die Handycam Camcorder, die Alpha DSLR-Kameras, das Xperia Tablet, der WALKMAN MP3-Player sowie die VAIO Computer und professionellen 3D HD Broadcast-Lösungen.

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ZITATCyber-shot™ DSC-RX1 from Sony is world's first compact camera with 35mm full-frame 24.3 effective megapixel sensor

12 September 2012

- Full-frame imaging from a compact camera that's drastically smaller and lighter than any full-frameDSLR
- Exmor™ CMOS sensor with approximately 24.3 effective megapixels for flawless, detail-packed photos and Full HD video
- Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 35mm F2 prime lens; with Macro mode for 20cm minimum focusing distance
- Extremely wide sensitivity range from ISO 100 - 25600
- Intuitive manual controls with aperture and focus mode dial
- New Multi Interface Shoe compatible with optional flash, electronic viewfinder, optical viewfinder andclip-on LCD monitor

You'd never have believed it was possible. Now photo enthusiasts can explore the creative possibilities of full-frame imaging with a compact digital camera that fits easily in the palm of your hand.

The extraordinary new Cyber-shot™ DSC-RX1 from Sony realises the dream of photographers everywhere. Just 482g (with battery and memory card), it packs a 35mm full-frame sensor and wide aperture F2 fixed-focal lens into a camera body that's perfectly proportioned for travel and street photography as well as portraits and day-to-day shooting.

Far smaller and lighter than any full-frame DSLR, the Cyber-shot™ RX1 offers superb imaging quality that's previously been the domain of high-end professional DSLR cameras. The unified lens/body design assures razor-sharp alignment of the sensor and optical components. This brings out the full potential of the lens to deliver unprecedented image quality, right to the very edges of each frame. Full manual control options are complemented by effortlessly intuitive operation, making it easy for enthusiasts to realise their creative vision without sacrificing portability or operating comfort.

In a world first1 for digital compact cameras, the Cyber-shot™ RX1 features a 35mm full-frame Exmor CMOS sensor. With a resolution of 24.3 effective megapixels, it's over twice the area of the APS-C sensor inside much bulkier DSLR cameras. Capable of resolving the finest image details and subtle textures, the full-frame sensor assures absolute fidelity, rich colours and an impressively broad dynamic range.

The large sensor size also helps boost the camera's sensitivity range to a generous ISO 100 - 25600. Sensitivity can be adjusted as low as ISO 50 in expanded mode2. Similarly, ISO settings as high as 102400 can be achieved using Multi Frame Noise Reduction. This allows the Cyber-shot™ RX1 to capture natural, low noise handheld images in near-dark conditions without needing flash.

Complementing the full-frame sensor is a fast, bright Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* lens with a fixed focal length of 35mm - a versatile choice for portraits, street photography and everyday shooting. Derived from the German word "Sonne" ("sun", the Sonnar name reflects the ability of the lens to capture as much light as possible. This premium lens features newly designed optics including an Advanced Aspherical (AA) glass element. This contributes to the camera's extremely compact palm-sized dimensions without sacrificing optical performance.

The lens's wide F2 maximum aperture and 9-bladed circular aperture enable beautiful ‘bokeh' (defocus) effects to rival professional-class DSLR camera lenses. A Macro switching ring on the lens barrel instantly shortens minimum focusing distance to just 20cm (from image plane), making the Cyber-shot™ RX1 ideal for capturing small close-up subjects with exquisite detail.

Data from the Exmor CMOS sensor is handled by the evolved BIONZ engine that also powers full-resolution burst shooting at up to 5 frames per second. The BIONZ processor can output image data in 14-bit RAW format, giving advanced users immense freedom over developing, post-processing and managing RAW files to match their personal creative vision.

Despite the camera's extraordinarily compact dimensions, photographers are offered a virtually limitless palette of options for creative expression. The Cyber-shot™ RX1 offers a full range of manual control modes, just as you'd expect from a no-compromise DSLR camera.

Dedicated lens rings allow fingertip control of focus and aperture, while a DSLR-style Focus mode dial on the front of the camera allows easy switching between focus modes. Top-mounted exposure compensation and mode dials are ergonomically placed for easy operation, while custom function and AEL buttons fall comfortably to hand without interrupting your creative flow.

Accessed via the camera's pro-style control dial and cross keys, Quick Navi mode allows fast, intuitive adjustment of camera settings: it's ideal when using the camera with an optional viewfinder. As a further enthusiast-oriented touch, there's a memory recall (MR) mode that allows storage and instant recall of up to three sets of camera settings.

Other refinements include a MF Assist function that magnifies a portion of your image to simplify fine focus adjustments. There's also a pro-style Peaking function that highlights sharply-focused areas of the image on screen. Adding the optional FDA-EV1MK electronic viewfinder kit allows even greater manual focusing precision.

By Pixel Super Resolution Technology allows magnification of image size without sacrificing pixel count - maintaining far higher quality than achievable with conventional digital zoom. There's also a Smart Teleconverter function that crops a central portion of the image sensor, boosting effective magnification by 1.4x or 2x. Thanks to the full-frame sensor's extremely high pixel count, even zoomed and cropped images maintain generous amounts of fine detail when blown up at large print sizes.

In addition to flawless stills, the Cyber-shot™ RX1 can capture high-quality, low-noise Full HD movie footage at a choice of 50p/60p or 25p/24p (progressive) frame rates. 24p recording enables the Cyber-shot RX1 to transform everyday scenes into film-like movies. It's easy to record beautifully atmospheric video in very low lighting, such as at dusk. There's a full complement of PASM exposure modes to give photographers absolute creative flexibility during video shooting.

Artistically ambitious photographers can fine-tune images with a choice of 13 Creative Styles, plus a wide range of inspiring ‘PC-free' Picture Effect treatments.

Even wider compositional possibilities are offered by Auto HDR and D-Range Optimiser, bracket shooting (Exposure, DRO or White Balance) and Auto HDR shooting modes. There's also a Digital Level Gauge that indicates camera pitch and camera roll on the LCD screen for straight, even horizons and architectural shots.

Shooting possibilities for stills and video are broadened by the camera's Multi Interface Shoe3 that accepts a growing range of accessories. Options include a powerful flash, electronic viewfinder, optical viewfinder, clip-on LCD monitor. Also available are a high-quality jacket case, lens hood and thumb grip for sure, comfortable handling.

Learn more about official accessories by Sony for the Cyber-shot™ RX1 here:

The Cyber-shot™ RX1 comes preinstalled with PlayMemories Home (Lite Edition) software, allowing easy image transfers to a PC for managing, editing and printing. Available for free download, a full version of PlayMemories Home adds movie editing and disc burning.

Also available as a free download, PlayMemories Studio allows game-like editing of photos and videos on PlayStation®3. Images can be shared easily via PlayMemories Online, the cloud-based sharing service from Sony that simplifies ‘any time, any place' viewing on a wide range of connected devices.

The new Cyber-shot™ RX1 full-frame digital compact camera from Sony is available in Europe from December 2012.

1 Among compact digital still cameras. According to Sony research, as of September 12, 2012.
2 Recordable dynamic range is reduced at sensitivity levels below ISO100.
3 The Cyber-shot™ RX1 is equipped with Sony's newly-developed Multi Interface Shoe. This is capable of accommodating various accessories for photo and movie shooting such as flash and microphones, while drawing power from the camera. It is also compatible with Sony accessories that use the standard ISO 518 accessory shoe. The Multi Interface Shoe was developed as a common shoe for imaging products by Sony - such as digital still cameras, digital video cameras and interchangeable lens cameras - promoting compatibility among accessories and offering an enhanced shooting experience for users.
Notes to editors

Key specifications


Image Sensor
35mm full-frame (35.8mm x 23.9mm) Exmor CMOS Sensor, aspect ratio 3:2

(Effective resolution) Approx. 24.3 megapixels

(Gross resolution) Approx. 24.7 megapixels

Carl Zeiss Sonnar T*, 8 elements in 7 groups (3 aspherical elements including AA lens); maximum aperture F2; focal length = 35mm (Still Image 3:2)


Clear Image Zoom (still image): 2x

Digital Zoom (still image): 24M approx. 4x / 10M approx. 6.1x / 4.6M approx. 9.1x


7.5cm (3.0 type) (4:3) / 1,229,000 dots / Xtra Fine / TFT LCD

Image stabilisation

Electronic type (for movie)

Focus Type

Contrast detection AF

Focus modes

Single-shot AF (AF-S) / Continuous AF (AF-C) / Direct Manual Focus (DMF) / Manual Focus (MF)

Focus area

Multi point AF (25 points) / Centre weighted AF / Flexible spot / Flexible spot (tracking focus) / Flexible spot (face tracking)

Light Metering Mode

Multi segment / Centre weighted / Spot 

White Balance Mode

Auto/Daylight/Shade/Cloudy/Incandescent/Fluor (Warm White)/Fluor (Cool White)/Fluor (Day White)/Fluor (Daylight)/Flash/C. Temp./C.Filter/Custom

Shutter Speed

Program Auto (30-1/2000) / Aperture Priority (30-1/2000) / Shutter Priority (30-1/2000) / Manual (Bulb, 30-1/2000)

Sensitivity (still image)

ISO 100-25600 (1/3 EV step, expandable to ISO 50/64/80)

Auto: ISO 100-25600, selectable with upper / lower limit

Multi Frame NR: Auto (ISO 100-25600, selectable with upper / lower limit), 100-102400 (1EV step)

Continuous shooting

Speed Priority Continuous Mode: Approx.5 fps

Continuous mode: 2.5 fps (AF-S)

Image Control

Creative Style, Quality (RAW/RAW&JPEG/Extra fine/Fine/Standard), Long Exposure NR (On/Off), High ISO NR (Normal/Low/off), Multi Frame NR

Shooting modes

Program Auto (Program shift available), Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual, MR (Memory Recall) 1 / 2 / 3, Movie, Sweep shooting, Scene Selection, Intelligent Auto

Creative Style modes

Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear, Deep, Light, Portrait, Landscape, Sunset, Night Scene, Autumn Leaves, Black & White, Sepia

Picture Effect modes

Toy Camera, Pop Colour, Posterisation, Retro Photo, Soft High-key, Partial Colour, High Contrast Monochrome, Soft Focus, HDR Painting, Rich-tone Monochrome, Miniature, Watercolour, Illustration


GN6 (in metres at ISO 100);

Flash modes Auto/Fill-flash/Slow Sync/Rear Sync/Off/Wireless

Other Shooting functions

Smart Teleconverter (approx. 1.4x / 2x), Face Detection, Face Registration, Smile Shutter, Quick Navi, Grid Line, Digital Level Gauge (pitch and roll), Exposure Bracketing, White Balance Bracketing, DRO Bracketing, Flash Bracketing, Peaking, MF Assist, Auto Portrait Framing

Recording format

Still Image: JPEG, RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 format)

Movie: AVCHD Ver.2.0, MP4

Number of recorded pixels (still image size)

[3:2] L: 24M (6000 x 4000) / M: 10M (3936 x 2624) / S: 4.6M (2640 x1760)

[16:9] L: 20M (6000 x 3376) / M: 8.7M (3936 x 2216) / S: 3.9M (2640 x 1488)

[Sweep Panorama] Standard (3872 x 2160/8192 x 1856) / Wide (5536 x 2160/12416 x 1856)

Movie record

PAL/NTSC Selector: [PAL] mode

AVCHD: 28M PS (1920x1080, 50p) / 24M FX (1920x1080, 50i) / 17M FH (1920x1080, 50i), 24M FX (1920x1080, 25p) / 17M FH (1920x1080, 25p)

MP4: 12M (1440x1080, 25p) / 3M (VGA 640x480, 25p)

PAL/NTSC Selector: [NTSC] mode

AVCHD: 28M PS (1920x1080, 60p) / 24M FX (1920x1080, 60i) / 17M FH (1920x1080, 60i), 24M FX (1920x1080, 24p) / 17M FH (1920x1080, 24p)

MP4: 12M (1440x1080, 30p) / 3M (VGA 640x480, 30p)

Battery life

[Still Image] Approx. 220 / Approx. 110 min. (LCD brightness level: max.), Approx. 270 / Approx. 135 min. (LCD brightness level: standard) - CIPA standard compliant

[Movie] Approx. 30 min. (Actual usage) / Approx. 60 min. (Continuous movie recording)

- Shooting movies continuously with factory preset mode. The size of a movie file is limited to approx. 2GB (MP4).

Dimensions (WxHxD)

Approx. 113.3 x 65.4 x 69.6mm


Approx. 453g (body only)

Approx. 482g (with battery and Memory Stick Duo)

Supplied accessories

Rechargeable Battery Pack NP-BX1, AC Adaptor AC-UD11, Micro USB Cable, Shoulder Strap, Lens Cap, Shoe Cap, Instruction Manual

For more information please contact
Silke Schild
e: <>

Offering an integrated entertainment experience through its electronics, mobile, music, pictures, game and the Sony Entertainment Network, Sony is uniquely positioned to be one of the world's leading consumer brands. Sony is renowned for its audio-visual products in both the consumer and professional markets, such as the BRAVIA™ LCD high-definition (HD) television, Cyber-shot™ digital camera, Handycam® camcorder, "α" (pronounced Alpha) digital SLR camera, Xperia™ Tablet and Walkman® MP3 player as well as its VAIO™ personal computers and 3D HD professional broadcast equipment.

For more information on Sony Europe, please visit For more information on Sony Corporation please visit

"Sony", "WALKMAN", "VAIO", "Cyber-shot", "Handycam", "α", "BRAVIA" and "Xperia" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.[/quote]
ZITATSony Introduces the World's First Full-Frame Compact Digital Camera

New Compact Cyber-shot® RX1 Camera features 35mm full-frame image sensor and wide aperture f/2 lens

SAN DIEGO, Sept 12, 2012 - For the first time, all the benefits of full-frame digital photography are available in a palm-sized compact camera.

The extraordinary new Sony Cyber-shot® DSC-RX1 digital camera packs an advanced 35mm full-frame 24.3 MP Exmor® CMOS sensor and exceptionally Carl Zeiss T*t 35mm f/2.0 fixed lens into a highly portable, lightweight camera body. Measuring approximately 4.5 inches wide by 3 inches tall and weighing just over a pound, it's significantly smaller and lighter than any full-frame DSLR yet sacrifices nothing in terms of image quality, HD video quality or manual control.

"The new Cyber-shot RX1 is truly ‘one of a kind', offering a unique combination of size and performance that's never before been realized in the world of digital cameras," said Yosuke Tomoda, director of the Cyber-shot camera business at Sony Electronics. "With its highly advanced sensor and fast 35mm f/2.0 lens packed into a small, portable camera body, professionals, enthusiasts and advanced hobbyists can experience the world of full-frame imaging in new and different ways than they ever thought possible."

The new camera's unified lens and body design allows performance that few interchangeable lenses can match. The Carl Zeiss lens not only delivers spectacular image quality all the way to the edges of each frame, it incorporates a near-silent in-lens shutter and is far more compact than comparable lenses of interchangeable design. The camera also features full manual control options and an intuitive user interface, making it easy for photographers to adjust all settings quickly and easily.

The 35mm full-frame sensor inside the RX1 camera more than doubles the area of APS-C sensors commonly found in much bulkier DSLR cameras, allowing it to take in significantly more light while capturing content. With an effective resolution of 24.3 megapixels, it's capable of resolving the finest image details and most subtle textures for rich color reproduction and an impressively broad dynamic range.

The large sensor size also boosts the camera's sensitivity range to a generous ISO 100 - 25600, with the option to shoot as low as ISO 50 in expanded sensitivity mode. Similarly, ISO settings as high as 102400 can be achieved using Multi Frame Noise Reduction. This allows the camera to capture natural, low noise handheld images in near-dark conditions without needing flash.

The fast, bright Carl Zeiss Sonnar T* 35mm lens is a versatile choice for portraits, street photography and everyday shooting. This premium lens features newly designed optics including an Advanced Aspherical (AA) glass element, which contributes to the camera's extremely compact dimensions without sacrificing optical performance.

The lens' wide F2 maximum, 9-bladed circular aperture enable beautiful background defocus (‘bokeh' effects to rival or exceed professional-class DSLR camera lenses. Additionally, it features a macro switching ring on the lens barrel which instantly shortens the minimum focusing distance to approximately 20cm (from image plane), allowing the camera to capture small, close-up subjects with exquisite detail.

The Cyber-shot RX1 camera also features an enhanced BIONZ® processing engine that rapidly handles data from the Exmor® CMOS sensor and also powers full-resolution burst shooting at up to five frames per second. The powerful processor can output image data in 14-bit RAW format, giving advanced users total freedom to express their creative vision throughout the shooting and post-production processes.

Despite the camera's extraordinarily compact dimensions, the new Cyber-shot RX1 model offers a full range of manual control modes on par with typical high-end full-frame DSLR cameras. Dedicated lens rings allow for fingertip control of focus and aperture, while a DSLR-style Focus mode dial on the front of the camera enables easy switching between focus modes. Top-mounted exposure compensation and mode dials are strategically placed for simple access and operation, while custom function and AEL buttons on the back panel are also easily accessible.

The new camera features a Quick Navi mode that allows fast, intuitive adjustment of camera settings. This is especially useful when using the camera with an optional viewfinder (sold separately). A memory recall (MR) mode is accessible via the mode dial so photographers can store and instantly recall up to three sets of camera settings.

Other refinements include a MF Assist function that magnifies a portion of the image while framing to simplify fine focus adjustments, as well as a Peaking function that highlights sharply-focused areas of the image on screen.

Additionally, the RX1 camera features By Pixel Super Resolution digital zoom technology, which allows for magnification of image size without sacrificing pixel count. This results in far higher quality results than are achievable with conventional digital zoom.

A Smart Teleconverter function crops a central portion of the image sensor, boosting effective magnification by 1.4x or 2x realizing an effective 49mm or 70mm focal length. With the extremely high pixel count of the full-frame image sensor, even zoomed and cropped images maintain generous amounts of fine detail when blown up for large print sizes.

In addition to beautiful still images, the Cyber-shot RX1 compact camera can capture high-quality, low-noise Full HD movie footage in all lighting conditions at a choice of 60p or 24p (progressive) frame rates. There's a full complement of P/A/S/M exposure modes during video shooting for creative flexibility.

The new camera also features 13 different Creative Styles for fine-tuning images, plus a wide range of Picture Effect treatments. Further, it has Auto HDR and D-Range Optimizer, bracket shooting (Exposure, DRO or White Balance) and Auto HDR shooting modes, and there's a Digital Level Gauge that indicates camera pitch and camera roll on the LCD screen for straight, even landscape and architectural shots.

New Accessories for Cyber-shot RX1

Shooting possibilities for stills and video are broadened by the camera's Multi Interface Shoe that accepts a growing range of accessories. Options include a high-quality OLED XGA OLED Tru-Finder™ EVF (model FDA-EV1MK) which allows for even greater manual focusing precision as well as an external optical viewfinder featuring Carl Zeiss optics (model FDA-V1K).

Also available are a thumb grip (model TGA-1) for sure, comfortable handling as well as a lens hood (model LHP-1) and jacket case (model LCJ-RXB).

Sony PlayMemories Services

The Cyber-shot RX1 comes preinstalled with PlayMemories Home™ (Lite Edition) software, allowing easy image transfers to a PC for managing, editing and printing. Available for free download, a full version of PlayMemories Home software adds movie editing and disc burning.

Also available for download, PlayMemories Studio™ allows game-like editing of photos and videos on PlayStation®3 systems. Images can be shared easily via PlayMemories Online™ service, the cloud-based sharing service from Sony that simplifies ‘any time, any place' viewing on a wide range of connected devices.

Pricing and Availability

The Cyber-shot RX1 compact, fixed lens camera will be available this November for about $2800.

The FDA-EV1K electric viewfinder and FDA-V1K optical viewfinder will each be available at launch for about $600 and $450, respectively.

The thumb grip, lens hood and jacket case will also be available at launch for about $250, $180 and $250, respectively.

The new camera and all compatible accessories will be sold at Sony retail stores ( and other authorized dealers nationwide.

Please visit for a full video preview of the new Cyber-shot RX1 compact camera and follow #SonyCamera on twitter for the latest camera news.

Editor's Notes:
* The Cyber-shot RX1 is equipped with Sony's newly-developed Multi Interface Shoe. This is capable of accommodating various accessories for photo and movie shooting such as flash and microphones, while drawing power from the camera. It is also compatible with Sony accessories that use the standard ISO 518 accessory shoe. The Multi Interface Shoe was developed as a common shoe for imaging products by Sony - such as digital still cameras, digital video cameras and interchangeable lens cameras - promoting compatibility among accessories and offering an enhanced shooting experience for users.[/quote]

"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

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RE: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1 Vollformat-Kompaktkamera

#2 von matthiaspaul , 02.10.2012 19:04

Hier wurde bereits davon berichtet, daß sich laut einer Meldung von Sony Japan von heute die Spezifikationen der DSC-RX1 in zwei Punkten gegenüber den bisher angekündigten Spezifikationen geändert haben:

- Das Drehrad für die Fokusmoduswahl hat nur noch drei, statt vier Einstellungen: Die beiden Einstellungen AF-C ("C" und AF-S ("S" wurden zu "AF" zusammengefaßt, was im Fotomodus AF-S und im Videomodus AF-C entspricht.

- Der Zentralverschluß der Kamera unterstützt jetzt unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen Verschlußzeiten bis runter zu einer 1/4000s: Bei Blende 2.0 bis 4.0 (einschließlich) wird nach wie vor "nur" eine kürzeste Verschlußzeit von 1/2000s unterstützt, bei Blenden zwischen 4.0 und 5.6 (einschließlich) schon 1/3200s und bei Blenden von (ausschließlich) 5.6 bis 22 dann die 1/4000s.

Der Vollständigkeit halber ziehe ich das trotzdem noch in diesen Thread mit der Pressemitteilung rein:



- 記 -


【変更前】 下記4種のフォーカスモードから選択可能
オートフォーカス(AF-S)/ オートフォーカス(AF-C)/
ダイレクトマニュアルフォーカス(DMF)/ マニュアルフォーカス(MF)

【変更後】 下記3種のフォーカスモードから選択可能
オートフォーカス(AF)※ / ダイレクトマニュアルフォーカス(DMF)/ マニュアルフォーカス(MF)



プログラムオート(30-1/2000秒)/ 絞り優先(30-1/2000秒)/

プログラムオート(30-1/4000秒※)/ 絞り優先(30-1/4000秒※)/
シャッタースピード優先(30-1/4000秒※)/ マニュアル(バルブ、30-1/4000秒※)


Viele Grüße,


"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

Beiträge: 14.595
Registriert am: 08.06.2004


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