RE: Sonderfilmhalter für viele Nikon Film-Scanner

#1 von matthiaspaul , 10.07.2008 00:22

Wenn Sie hier auf Links zu eBay klicken und einen Kauf tätigen, kann dies dazu führen, dass diese Website eine Provision erhält.


Hier bietet jemand verschiedene Custom-Filmhalter für etliche Nikon Coolscan-Filmscanner an: LS-5000, LS-50, V, LS-4000, LS-40, LS-2000, LS-30, IV und III. Nicht unterstützt werden die Filmscanner Nikon Super Coolscan 9000 ED / LS-9000 und Nikon Super Coolscan 8000 ED / LS-8000.

Ich habe mit dem Anbieter in keiner Weise etwas zu tun, dachte mir aber, daß das vielleicht den ein oder anderen interessiert, der Sonderformate scannen möchte und keine Lust auf eigene Basteleien hat. Vielleicht bringen diese eBay-Anzeigen ja den einen oder anderen auch auf eigene Ideen - der Anbieter gibt ja durchaus einige nützliche Hinweise.

Viele Grüße,


PS. Aus Archivierungsgründen ziehe ich mal einen Teil der Texte und Bilder hier rein:
Nikon CoolScan Film Holder 110, 126, MINOX, 16mm, APS
ZITATFilm Strip Holder for Nikon CoolScan

Film Size: Your choice of - 110, Pocket Instamatic, Most 16mm, APS, 126, Instamatic, MINOX, 9.4mm, 8mm, Mini, Sub Mini
For Nikon Coolscan LS-5000, LS-50, V, LS-4000, LS-40, LS-2000, LS-30, IV, III

Note: Requires a MA-21(M) or MA-20(M) Slide Mount Adapter. Please see note below. Photos of adapter and scanner for illustration only, not included in this auction.
NOTE: Holder will slide into standard MA-21 or MA-20 however the internal stop will prevent holder from accesing frames 2, 3, 4, etc. You will need to modify (remove internal stop) your MA-21 / MA-20. Please see photo below. Additional MA-21 & MA-20 adapters avalible.[/quote]
"FH-110" Custom Film Strip Holder for 110 / Pocket Instamatic film, most 16mm film
for Nikon CoolScan LS-5000, Nikon V, LS-50, LS-4000, LS-40
ZITATNote: Requires a MA-21(M) Slide Mount Adapter sold separately.

Item is new, custom made plastic film holder similar in size and function to the Nikon FH-3. I had these fabricated by a local plastics company to my specifications. This is a very simple and effective solution for scanning non 35mm film strips. We have used them in house at FilmScan-USA for over two years, scanning thousands of odd sized film strips.

Adapter is nothing fancy, but a good alternative to Nikon 9000 solution.

NOTE: You will need to purchase a modified MA-21(M) slide mount adapter, not included. Your existing MA-21 may be disassembled and modified to accept our custom holders. B&H and Adorama sell MA-21 at lower cost.

Note: This item custom fabricated, colors may vary.[/quote]
ZITATFrage: Hi, I have a Canon 4200F that has an adapter to hold 35mm film strips. Is this adapter the same size on its outside dimension as a 35mm film strip? If so, I could clip it in the holder that same as a 35mm film strip.

Antwort: Customers report using this holder on Canon flatbed with good results. You would need to place it on the glass in place of Canon film adapter. You will probably need to download a copy of VueScan software at as the Canon software will not recognize the holder.

Frage: What is the size in Centimeter from this adapter please? I have 16 MM film to scan. What is the lang that I can using for the scanning please (it is to know how many photo I can scan with one adapter.)

Antwort: This film holder is made for the 110 format but will work with all 16mm film including movie film. 110 film is 16mm in width, frame size is 13mm x 17mm. Our holder film slot is 17mm wide, one millimeter wider than the film. The frame (viewing) slot is 13mm wide x 145mm in length. Nikon LS-50 or LS-5000 will capture a maximum frame size of about 25mm x 36.7mm. Without having a sample of the 16mm movie film I would estimate it will capture about 6 frames at once. The holder will probably accommodate a strip of about 20 frames.
It would be possible to order a "movie" film holder open on both ends so film can be fed in the front and out the back as on uncut roll (Nikon LS-5000 and LS-4000). This type of adapter uses the open port on the back of the scanner made for the SA-30 ROLL FILM ADAPTER.[/quote]
"FH-APS" Custom APS film strip holder for APS / IX-240 Cartridge
for Nikon LS-5000, V, LS-50, LS-4000, LS40
ZITATNote: Requires a MA-21(M) Slide Mount Adapter sold separately.

Inportant Note: Cartridge canister must be "cracked" open, removing film for loading into film holder.

A reliable solution for defective APS cartridges

Nikon IA-20, APS adapter will sometimes refuse to load a cartridge. This may be due to a defetive cartridge or problem with IA-20. This holder will solve cartridge problems.
Nikon sells somewhat fancier negative holders for the Coolscan 9000 at about $300.00ea. No similar Nikon non 35mm film holders are available for LS-50, V and LS-5000 scanners. Nikon list price for IA-20 is over $200.00.

Adapter is nothing fancy, but a good alternative to Nikon 9000 or IA-20 solution.

NOTE: You will need to purchase a modified MA-21(M) slide mount adapter, not included. Your existing MA-21 may be disassembled and modified to accept our custom holders.[/quote]
ZITATFrage: Hi, I have an IA 20 APS adapter but I am experiencing problems with it (I have seen your message regarding the poor performance.) Now should I buy your film holder instead, how do you get the negative out of the holder? Do you have to break it? or is there a better way?

Antwort: You may crack open the cartridge by "sniping" at the corners of the little "trap door" where the film exits. Another method is to slightly pry open the little door and unroll using a small flat blade screwdriver. The film must be cut into 4 frame negative strips. Nikon makes great camera equipment, arguably the best. Shamefully the Nikon IA-20 is well below their usually quality standard. The IA-20 is the only Nikon equipment I have ever used that just doesn't work reliably. It was out of frustration with Nikon unit that we developed our in-house APS film holders.
IA-20 hints:
1) Don't scan 40 frame rolls. The longer roll appears to put more strain on the frail components.
2) Sometimes if film refuses to load, try opening cartridge door and rolling out the film slightly, then roll back in just inside door.
3) If IA-20 load door sticks closed trapping your film then we drill a small hole in top of door near the latch. Insert small jewelers screwdriver into hole and unlatch door to free your cartridge.[/quote]
Werbung: "FH-126" Film strip holder for 126 / Instamatic film and most 23 - 24mm film
for Nikon LS-5000, V, LS-50, LS-4000, LS-40
ZITATNote: Requires a MA-21(M) Slide Mount Adapter sold separately.
Adapter is nothing fancy, but a good alternative to Nikon 9000 solution.

NOTE: You will need to purchase a modified MA-21(M) slide mount adapter, not included. Your existing MA-21 may be disassembled and modified to accept our custom holders.[/quote]
ZITATWill my (not yeat accuired) LS-5000ED and software be able to be programmed to recognice these not intended formats (126 and 110) so that my scanning can be efficient?

Antwort: The LS-50 and LS-5000 work equally well. The biggest advantage of the LS-5000 is the optional SF-210 auto-slide adapter. The 5000 is also faster. The included NikonScan software will work with our 110 and 126 adapters however VueScan is much better.[/quote]
Werbung: "FH-MINOX" for 9.4mm, MINOX, HIT, Most Sub mini
for Nikon LS-5000, V, LS-50, LS-4000, LS-40
ZITATNote: Requires a MA-21(M) Slide Mount Adapter sold separately.
Nikon sells somewhat fancier negative holders for the Coolscan 9000 at about $300.00ea. No similar Nikon non 35mm film holders are available for LS-50, V and LS-5000 scanners.

Adapter is nothing fancy, but a good alternative to Nikon 9000 solution.

NOTE: You will need to purchase a modified MA-21(M) slide mount adapter, not included. Your existing MA-21 may be disassembled and modified to accept our custom holders. B&H and Adorama sell MA-21 at lower cost.

Note: This item is custom fabricated, colors may vary.[/quote]
ZITATFrage: Can you please tell me if this will also work in an LS30?

Antwort: Yes our film holders will work with LS-30, or any Nikon scanner that uses the MA-20 or MA-21 slide adapter.

Frage: Can you please send me details of what modifications are needed to the M21?
Antwort: I will send instructions to your direct email.

Frage: I need to ask before parting with so much money for a simple but essential tool. I need a better explanation with regard to the way the negatives sit in/on this holder. Is the film placed between the plastic pieces and snapped closed holding the film from curling or does the film slide in a notched/grooved channel along the opening? I ask because I hope that this item is not merely a mask.

Antwort: The film slides into a notched groove channel along the opening. The deep groove does a good job of holding the film flat, preventing excessive curl. Setting software focus on for every frame will compensate for minor film curl. The only way of getting the film flatter would be to sandwich in glass, creating other problems.

Frage: Where does one get a modified M21(M)? If I purchase an extra M21 from Adorama, etc., what modifications need to be made so that I might use your product and the modified M21 in my CoolScan V?

Antwort: The simple modification is to pop apart the M21 and remove the internal slide stop. I will send a diagram and instructions to your email.[/quote]
Werbung: "FH-8" Custom film holder for 8mm / Super-8 / Movie film
for Nikon LS-5000, V, LS-50, LS-4000, LS-40
ZITATNote: Requires a MA-21(M) Slide Mount Adapter sold separately.
Adapter is nothing fancy, but a good alternative to Nikon 9000 solution.

NOTE: You will need to purchase a modified MA-21(M) slide mount adapter, not included. Your existing MA-21 may be disassembled and modified to accept our custom holders.[/quote]
ZITATFrage: Yes, I am interested in a roll film adapter for super 8 for the Nikon 5000. Let me know when you have one ready. Any thoughts on how to do with with an Imacon 8000?

Antwort: The cost of a custom holder for Hasselblad drum scanner would be prohibitive. Our 8mm film holder is designed for cut film strips of 24 Super 8 frames. I have scanned full uncut roll with Nikon LS-5000 using this holder as follows.
1) Simply inserted the holder all the way into MA-21(M).
2) Open the SA-30 port on the rear of LS-5000, LS-4000.
3) Feed film into front of 8mm holder, making sure film will feed all the way out the rear SA-30 port.
4) Scan first 8 frames.
5) Advance film (by hand) to next 8 frames.
There is software available for stitching the 8 frame segments together forming a full length movie.
NOTE: I have a design drawing for a prototype 8mm full uncut roll adapter. This project is set aside until I see more interest in the product.

Frage: Can this jig be used to convert reels of 8mm file to video? I know that some people will scan individual frames and then splice them together with software using the sprocket hole for registration. Can this be done with your jig on the Nikon 5000 without destroying (cutting up) the reel of film? Is it practical to do for an entire reel? Any links to a web site to provide more information on the process would be greatly appreciated.

Antwort: I have scanned 8mm with this adapter and LS-5000. Open the little door on the back of the scanner, this door is for the Nikon SA-30 35mm full uncut roll adapter. No need to cut film if using Nikon 5000, simply feed film into front of our adapter, through scanner and out the back. You will need to push (advance) film manually. Their is free software in the Internet for stitching the frames together into a movie. See Myself I only ran a small number of frames, testing to be sure it all worked.[/quote]

"All the important human advances that we know of since historical times began
have been due to individuals of whom the majority faced virulent public opposition."
--Bertrand Russell (Minolta Forum Thread Index)

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RE: Sonderfilmhalter für viele Nikon Film-Scanner

#2 von hobala , 16.12.2023 11:07

Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der obigen Scanner-Adapter findet man auf der Seite filmscan-usa dot com

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Registriert am: 16.12.2023

RE: Sonderfilmhalter für viele Nikon Film-Scanner

#3 von jpolzfuss , 17.12.2023 01:06

Hiho Holger,
die von dir genannte Webseite scheint nicht erreichbar zu sein. Ist da vielleicht ein Tippfehler enthalten?
Zudem werden die Adapter laut diversen Quellen im Internet seit Jahren nicht mehr hergestellt (z.B. ). Weißt Du hier genaueres?

Dank und Gruß

Beiträge: 361
Registriert am: 17.12.2012

RE: Sonderfilmhalter für viele Nikon Film-Scanner

#4 von hobala , 18.12.2023 11:57

Mein Fehler! Die betreffende Seite ist auf der camerahacker dot com Seite zu finden. Kann hier als Neuling ja leider keine Links posten ...

Beiträge: 2
Registriert am: 16.12.2023

RE: Sonderfilmhalter für viele Nikon Film-Scanner

#5 von jpolzfuss , 18.12.2023 18:14

Ich glaube, ich habe es… Meinst Du diesen Artikel hier?

Beiträge: 361
Registriert am: 17.12.2012


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