ZITAT(mick @ 2010-01-31, 12:41) von den Modellen SR-T 303 und SR-T 303b gab es meines Wissens jeweils zwei Modellversionen (entnommen einer Liste aus dem Internet, die ich schon lange nicht mehr gefunden habe (war's bei minman?)).
Es handelt sich wohl jeweils um ein erstes Modell und eine überarbeitete Version.[/quote]
Bei Joe McGloin (MINMAN) war zur Minolta SR-T 303 (aka SR-T 102 aka SR-T super) zu lesen:
(1973) The SRT101 was amazingly convenient for a manual-exposure camera -- but still, it lacked some important convenience features. An improved version of the SRT101 came out seven years after the introduction of the SRT101 -- the SRT102. In this model, in addition to the shutter speed, the f-stop is displayed in the viewfinder. Now there is no need to ever take your eye away from the viewfinder while taking a picture. The SRT102 also has multiple exposure capability and a built-in hot shoe. Last, but not least, a split-image rangefinder was added to the middle of the microprism circle of the focusing screen. There were a few other differences as well.
Although the body of the SRT102 looks, at first glance, exactly like that of the SRT101, there are some subtle differences. The SRT101 used the "B-style" body with a thin ridge along the top front and rear edge (below left). The SRT102 used a new body design ("C-style"
that removed the ridge (below right). Many people don't even notice the difference until it is pointed out, but some people feel that the SRT102 has a cleaner look.
The SRT102 also has a pentaprism that sticks out further than that of the SRT101 and SRT100. There is a new plate on the front of the pentaprism with a tiny window on the bottom that allows the f-stop to be displayed in the viewfinder. This same approach had been used in the XK of 1972 and was adapted to the SRT102. The f-stop display works best with MC ROKKOR-X and later lenses, but most earlier lenses will function adequately.
Another change for the SRT102 was in the PC contacts. On the SRT101 there are two contacts on the side of the lens mount -- one for FP (flash bulbs) and one for X (electronic flash) connections. On the SRT102, this design has changed. The upper connection remains, but it now used for both the FP and the X connections. The lower contact is replaced with a switch to select either FP or X. In addition, the SRT102, added a convenient multiple exposure capability. Lastly, there is a minor change in the flash shoe. Not only is the SRT102 shoe hot, but the front plate of the shoe is a black plastic plate instead of a metal tab on the SRT101.
There were actually several versions of the SRT102, which depended on where and when you bought the camera. The model is not inscribed on the cameras.
SRT102 (model a) -- (1973)
The SRT102 (model a) was available in chrome or black.
SRT SUPER (model a) -- (1973)
Minolta sold the SRT102 (model a) in Japan as the SRT SUPER. All of the features were the same.
SRT303 (model a) -- (1973)
Minolta sold the SRT102 (model a) in Japan as the SRT303. All of the features were the same.
SRT102 (model b) -- (1974)
If it ain't broke, why fix it? I don't know why, but they did! In 1974, the mirror lock-up device was removed from the SRT102 models. All other features remained the same. The camera was available in chrome or black.
SRT SUPER (model b) -- (1974)
Minolta sold the SRT102 (model b) in Japan as the SRT SUPER. All of the features were the same.
SRT303 (model b) -- (1974)
Minolta sold the SRT102 (model b) in Japan as the SRT303. All of the features were the same.Unfortunately, the SRT102 was only manufactured from 1973 to 1975, so it is the least common of the major SRT100 series cameras. Since the shutter will operate without a battery, it is built like a tank, has complete viewfinder information, and has a mirror lock-up device, many consider the SRT102 (model a) to be the best manual-exposure camera ever made -- by any manufacturer! And it often sells for less than the SRT101. The SRT102 (model b) was replaced with the SRT202 of 1975.
... und zur Minolta SR-T 303b (aka SR-T 202 aka SR 505):
(1975) In 1975, Minolta "upgraded" the original SRT100 series to the SRT200 series. Actually, there was very little difference between the two series of cameras. Perhaps Minolta felt that the SRT100 series name was getting too old and that the public wanted something "new". After all, the early 1970's saw dramatic competition in the camera market, and other camera companies were producing "new" cameras with new names -- some with very minor changes. For example, Nikon added a hot shoe to it's Nikkormat FTN in 1975, and called it the Nikkormat FT2. In the same vein, Minolta made some minor changes to all of the Minolta SRT100 series cameras -- and the SRT200 series was born.
The SRT202 was a modified version of the SRT102. The problem was that since the SRT102 was such a perfect camera, how could you update or improve it? All Minolta could do was add a couple of convenience features. Unfortunately, they removed some at the same time. One step forward, one step back. There were actually several versions of the SRT202, depending on the market, with slight variations over time. The model numbers are not inscribed on the cameras.
SRT202 (model a) -- (1975)
The first model of the SRT202 was almost the same as its predecessor, the SRT102 (model b) but it had the addition of a film tab holder on the back (the new film memo holder retains the ASA/DIN converter, but you can't see it if you have a film tab inserted) and a film advance window. Nice touches, but Minolta dropped the mirror lock-up feature. Two steps forward, one step back. The viewfinder and focusing screen remained the same:
But there were sublte differences as well. The previous model had "MINOLTA CAMERA CO.,LTD." imprinted on the top between the pentaprism and the rewind crank. On this model, the imprint is gone. In addition, the film plane indicator, which had been behind the shutter speed dial (on the right), is now placed between the pentaprism and the rewind crank (on the left). This was a smart move and makes measurements a little easier for those few people who use it. In addition, the battery cover was changed from a stippled surface that used the thumb, to a slotted cover that uses a coin -- like that of the XK and XE cameras. Last, the hot shot on this model is marked with a red "X", hopefully to remind users that the "hot" part of the shoe is only usable with X-synch, not bulbs. The SRT202 (model a) was available in black or chrome.
SR505 -- (1975)
Japanese version of the SRT202 (model a).
SRT303b (model a) -- (1975)
European version of the SRT202 (model a).
SRT202 (model b) -- (1977)
In 1977, a few changes were made to the SRT202 (model a). This was the same year that Minolta introduced the first of the XD and XG cameras, and several of these features were copied directly from the XD and XG line. Perhaps it was an attempt to make the older-styled cameras look as similar as possible to the newer cameras, but it is just as likely that the newer parts were available -- and usable -- on the older cameras. First, there was a switch on the SRT202 (model b) to a black, plastic aperture ring around the lens mount -- replacing an aluminum ring.
In addition, the locking DOF button of the earlier SRT cameras was replaced with a non-locking DOF button. On the surface, this sounds like a minor cosmetic change. But the change is more than skin deep. At the same time, Minolta dropped the "meter off" switch which, in all previous SRT models, would automatically turn the meter off when the DOF button was pressed (when an MC lens was attached to the camera). The purpose of this early feature was to allow metering in "stop-down" mode with early non-MC lenses. That's why the DOF button on Minolta SLR cameras was originally called the "stop-down-metering" button. So with this switch, Minolta was cutting out a few cents in manufacturing costs -- and casting aside users of earlier lenses.
Also, the SRT202 (model b) only had X synchronization for flash use -- the FP option of the SRT202 (model a) was dropped. The SRT202 (model b) was available in black or chrome. Look for the black, plastic aperture ring around the lens mount to identify the SRT202 (model b)
SR505s -- (1977)
Japanese version of the SRT202 (model b)
SRT303b (model b) -- (1977)
European version of the SRT202 (model b)Sad to say, in 1978, Minolta dropped the SRT202 from it's line of cameras. The SRT202 was it's most expensive manual-exposure camera, and they felt that most people who would spend that much money would want the added features of an automatic-exposure camera, like the XD-11 and XG-7. In addition, they had just upgraded the SRT201, so that there were few advantages in the SRT202.
Since the shutter will operate without a battery, it is built like a tank, has complete viewfinder information, and many other features, many consider the SRT202 to be the best manual-exposure camera ever made -- by any manufacturer! It's only competition is the SRT102. Which should you choose? [...][/quote]
Demnach verfügte von den vier Modellen (SR-T 303 Modelle "A" und "B", SR-T 303b Modelle "A" und "B"
nur das SR-T 303 Modell "A" über die Spiegelvorauslösung.
Über eine Abblendtaste verfügten alle vier Modelle, bei den ersten drei genannten ist der Abblendtaste rastend, bei der SR-T 303b Modell "B" wird nur solange abgeblendet, wie man den Knopf drückt.
Die ersten drei Modelle besitzen ein PC-Sync-Terminal, das mittels Schalter zwischen X- und FP-Synchronisation umschaltbar ist. Bei der SR-T 303b Modell "B" ist dieser Schalter weggefallen und die Kamera arbeitet immer mit X-Synchronisation.
Viele Grüße,